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August 14, 2009
The District Attorney Investigates the Deaths with Spears
El Comercio
The Orellana Prosecution began yesterday after a prior inquiry to investigate the death of Sandra Zabala and her son and daughter Byron and Tatiana.
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14 de August del 2009 NUEVO
La Fiscalía indaga las muertes con lanzas

El Comercio
La Fiscalía de Orellana abrió ayer una indagación previa para investigar la muerte de Sandra Zabala y de sus hijos Byron y Tatiana.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

August 13, 2009
The baby of the speared family was found safe in Orellana
El Comercio
The little one, barely six months old, was found yesterday in the jungle. He was in a hole in the form of a cot, one kilometer from the site where he was kidnapped.
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13 de August del 2009 NUEVO
El bebé de la familia lanceada fue hallado a salvo en Orellana

El Comercio
El pequeño, de apenas seis meses de nacido, fue hallado ayer en la jungla. Estaba en un agujero en forma de cuna, a un kilómetro del sitio donde fue secuestrado.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

August 12, 2009
Three Dead with Taromenane Spears
El Comercio
A woman and her son and daughter were supposedly speared by indigenous peoples. A six-month-year-old baby is missing and the police initiated their search.
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12 de August del 2009 NUEVO
3 muertos con lanzas taromenane

El Comercio
Una mujer y sus dos hijos fueron lanceados supuestamente por indígenas. Un bebé, de seis meses, se encuentra desaparecido y la Policía inició su búsqueda.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

July 16, 2009
Peruvian Lumber Camp Destroyed in Untouchable Area of Ecuador
El Comercio
A Peruvian lumber camp was destroyed after being discovered in a preserved area of the Amazon jungle of Ecuador, where indigenous peoples live in voluntary isolation, reported the Ministry of the Environment on Thursday.
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16 de Julio del 2009 NUEVO
Destruyen campamento maderero peruano en zona intangible de Ecuador

El Comercio
Un campamento maderero peruano fue destruido tras ser descubierto en una zona preservada de la selva de la Amazonia de Ecuador, donde habitan indígenas en aislamiento voluntario, informó el jueves el Ministerio del Ambiente.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

July 14, 2009
A Toxic Water Spill, Out of Control for More Than 15 days
El Comercio
The villages located in the Pacayacu region, north of Sucumbíos, face a silent enemy. Since last June 27th, the Shuara 24D well, located in the heart of this area, has been pouring a yellow liquid that carries a potent toxic load.
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14 de Julio del 2009 NUEVO
Un derrame de agua tóxica, sin control por más de 15 días

El Comercio
Los poblados ubicados en el sector de Pacayacu, norte de Sucumbíos, enfrentan un enemigo silencioso. Desde el pasado 27 de junio, el pozo Shuara 24D, que se ubica en pleno corazón de esta zona, vierte un líquido amarillo que lleva una potente carga tóxica.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

July 8, 2009
18 Illegal Loggers Arrested in Yasuní
El Comercio
Makeshift camps for the logging of cedar trees were located and destroyed.
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8 de Julio del 2009 NUEVO
18 madereros ilegales detenidos en Yasuní

El Comercio
Campamentos improvisados para la tala de árboles de cedro fueron localizados y destruidos.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

June 15, 2009
From Today on Ecuador is Promoting the Yasuní-ITT Initiative in Europe
El Comercio
The Ecuadorian delegation was responsible for disseminating this proposal, setting of on a journey starting with the United Kingdom and then continuing on to Germany.
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15 de Junio del 2009 NUEVO
Ecuador sustenta desde hoy la Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT en Europa

El Comercio
La delegación ecuatoriana encargada de difundir esta propuesta emprendió el periplo por el Reino Unido y luego continuará por Alemania.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

June 9, 2009
PERU - Amazonian Indians Continue to Cut Routes
El Comercio
The situation is potentially explosive after the past weekend in which clashes launched between natives and police in other Amazonian highways in Bagua, leaving a death toll of 34 so far, including 25 soldiers, but the natives insist that there are many more casualties on their side.
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9 de Junio del 2009 NUEVO
PERU - Indígenas amazónicos siguen con el corte de rutas

El Comercio
La situación es potencialmente explosiva, luego de que el fin de semana pasado se presentaran choques entre nativos y policías en otra carretera amazónica, en Bagua, con un saldo por ahora de 34 muertos, de ellos 25 uniformados, aunque los nativos insisten en que las víctimas de su lado son muchas más.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

June 8, 2009
The Yasuní-ITT Initiative is Moving Forward
El Comercio
Isn’t it a contradiction – in times of economic crisis – to search for economic resources to protect nature and the environment, as Ecuador is doing now with the Yasuní-ITT initiative?
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8 de Junio del 2009 NUEVO
La iniciativa Yasuní-ITT es de avanzada

El Comercio
¿No es una contradicción -en tiempos de crisis económica- buscar recursos económicos para proteger la naturaleza y el ambiente, como ahora está haciendo Ecuador con la iniciativa Yasuní-ITT?
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 31, 2009
The Yasuní-ITT Reaches the White House
El Comercio
Long before the president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, approved the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the machinery for the promotion of keeping this area of the Amazon untouched, in exchange for creating a fund with the sale of carbon certificates, was already running. After all, he was the same president who came up with the proposal.
>>>Read Full Article in English

31 de Mayo del 2009 NUEVO
El Yasuni-ITT Llega a la Casa Blanca

El Comercio
Mucho antes de que el presidente del Ecuador, Rafael Correa, apruebe la Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT, la maquinaria de promoción de mantener esta área de la Amazonia intocable, a cambio de crear un fondo con la venta de certificados de carbono, ya venía corriendo. Después de todo fue el mismo Primer Mandatario quien ideó la propuesta.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 31, 2009
Maps That Reveal the Amazon
El Comercio
Indispensable information. The source of the Amazonian social conflicts like those recently experienced is not only political: there is a great lack of understanding about the region.
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31 de Mayo del 2009 NUEVO
Mapas que revelan la Amazonía
El Comercio
Información indispensable. La fuente de los conflictos sociales amazónicos como los vividos recientemente, no es solo política: hay un gran desconocimiento de la realidad de la región.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 27, 2009
Ecuador Offers a Tool Against CO2
El Comercio
The country insists on not exploiting the ITT oil block in the Yasuní Park, in exchange to sell carbon certificates. In June it will be presented to Europe.
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27 de Mayo del 2009 NUEVO
Ecuador oferta una herramienta contra el CO2
El Comercio
El país insiste en no explotar el crudo del bloque ITT, en el parque Yasuní, a cambio de vender certificados de carbono. En junio se presentará en Europa.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

April 28, 2009
Chevron Texaco Case Reaches U.S. Congress
El Comercio
The pollution caused by U.S. oil companies in the Amazon region of Ecuador is a violation of human rights that seriously threatens the local population, said the leader of a committee in the United States House of Representatives today.
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28 de Abril del 2009 NUEVO
Caso Chevron Texaco llegó al Congreso de EE.UU
El Comercio
La contaminación ocasionada por empresas petroleras estadounidenses en la región amazónica ecuatoriana es una violación de derechos humanos que amenaza gravemente a la población local, afirmó hoy el líder de un panel de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

March 5, 2009
The Legislature Develops a Penalty for Ethnocide
El Comercio
The recent killing by the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) of members of the Awa ethnic group in southern Colombia led to the Legislative Audit Commission to push for a law punishable by 16 to 25 years imprisonment for those who committed acts of physical, cultural, or lifestyle aggression or of another nature against the inhabitants of the villages of Ecuador, that live in voluntary isolation.
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5 de Marzo del 2009 NUEVO
El Legislativo desarrolla una sanción para el etnocidio
El Comercio
La reciente matanza, por parte de las FARC, a miembros de la etnia awa, en el sur de Colombia, llevó a la Comisión Legislativa y de Fiscalización a impulsar una ley para sancionar con penas de 16 a 25 años de reclusión especial a aquellos que comentan agresión física, cultural, a su forma de vida o de otra índole, contra los habitantes de los pueblos del Ecuador, que viven en aislamiento voluntario.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

January 21, 2009
Remaining Reasons to Save the Yasuní Region
El Comercio
The disappearance of indigenous cultures and thousands of threatened species. A $1250 million dollar environmental and social cost. These are the drastic effects that are foreseen for the Yasuní National Park in the event that crude oil in the Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (ITT) block is exploited, in the heart of this Amazon reserve.
>>>Read Full Article in English

21 de Enero del 2009 NUEVO
Razones para salvar al Yasuní sobran
El Comercio
La desaparición de culturas indígenas y de miles de especies amenazadas. Un costo ambiental y social de USD 1 250 millones. Esos son los drásticos efectos que se prevén para el Parque Nacional Yasuní, en caso de que se explote el crudo en el bloque Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (ITT), en el corazón de esta reserva amazónica.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

January 14, 2009
Inconsistencies Undermine ITT Initiative
El Comercio
The Government is sending a two-way message: leave the oil underground and call on bidders for exploitation.
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14 de Enero del 2009 NUEVO
Las contradicciones minan la Iniciativa ITT
El Comercio
El Gobierno maneja un discurso de doble vía: dejar el crudo bajo tierra y llamar a licitación para su explotación.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

January 7, 2009
Ecuador Goes After Carbon Credits to Save the Yasuni
El Comercio
Embedded in the heart of the Yasuni Nation Park, the ITT block no longer pretends to leave crude oil underground. Now the proposition is to prevent the emission of 410 million metric tons of Carbon Dioxide, CO2, into the atmosphere.
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7 de Enero del 2009 NUEVO
Ecuador va por los bonos de carbono para salvar al Yasuní
El Comercio
Ya no solo se pretende dejar el crudo bajo tierra en el bloque ITT, incrustado en el corazón del Parque Nacional Yasuní. Ahora la propuesta es evitar que se emitan a la atmósfera 410 millones de toneladas métricas de dióxido de carbono (CO2).
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol




November 6, 2008
Repsol Will Operate Under a Services Contract in One Year
El Comercio
The Ecuadorian government took a new step in the process of renegotiating contracts with foreign oil companies when it announced a transitional agreement with the Argentinean company Repsol YPF, just after threatening to force it to leave the country.
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6 de Noviembre del 2008 NUEVO
Repsol operará bajo contrato de prestación de servicios en un año
El Comercio
El Gobierno ecuatoriano dio un nuevo paso en su proceso de renegociación de los contratos con las petroleros extranjeras al anunciar un acuerdo transitorio con la empresa hispano argentina Repsol YPF, poco después de amenazarla con su salida del país.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

Nobember 6 , 2008
Repsol Intends to Save its Contract
El Comercio
The first contacts between Repsol and Ecuador took place yesterday, following the announcement of the anticipated ending of the contract with the company.
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6 de Noviembre del 2008 NUEVO
Repsol intenta salvar su contrato
El Comercio
Ayer se dieron los primeros acercamientos entre Repsol y el Gobierno, luego de que se anunció la terminación anticipada del contrato con esta petrolera.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

November 4 , 2008
The Manta-Manaos Axis Causes Resistance
El Comercio
Almost 20 Quichua communities in the Aguarico region, located along the bank of the Napo river, form the Network of Communities of the Napo River.
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4 de Noviembre del 2008 NUEVO
El eje Manta-Manaos causa resistencia
El Comercio
Cerca de 20 comunidades quichuas del cantón Aguarico, ubicadas en la ribera del río Napo, se agruparon y conformaron la Red de Comunidades del Río Napo (Red- Corn).
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

October 12, 2008
The ITT Proposal Generates Interest but No Contributions
El Comercio
Ecuador felt “great enthusiasm” in the international community for the project to create an annual fund of 350 million dollars in compensation for not exploiting ITT, but they have not received the hoped-for contributions.
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12 de Octubre del 2008 NUEVO
El ITT genera interés, pero sin contribuciones
El Comercio
Ecuador percibió un “gran entusiasmo” en la comunidad internacional hacia el proyecto para crear un fondo de USD 350 millones anuales, en compensación a la no explotación del ITT, aunque no ha recibido las contribuciones esperadas.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

October 4, 2008
Nature Isn’t Everything…
El Comercio
The ex-Minister of Agriculture and the current President of the Central Bank Directory, Carlos Vallejo, said something yesterday that left environmentalists and experts in sustainable tourism open-mouthed as they participated this week in three mega-forums organized in Quito.
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4 de Octubre del 2008 NUEVO
La naturaleza no es de todos...
El Comercio
El ex ministro de Agricultura y ahora presidente del Directorio del Banco Central, Carlos Vallejo, lanzó ayer una perla que dejó boquiabiertos a los ambientalistas y expertos en turismo sostenible que esta semana participaron en tres megaforos organizados en Quito.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

October 3 , 2008
The Government Says that the Voluntary Reversion of Block 31 Strengthens Ties with Brazil
El Comercio
The Ecuadorian Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Galo Chiriboga, said today that the “voluntary reversion” of Block 31 to the Ecuadorian government on the part of the Brazilian state company Petrobras “strengthens” the oil relationship with Brazil.
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3 de Octubre del 2008 NUEVO
Gobierno dice que reversión voluntaria de Bloque 31 refuerza lazos con Brasil
El Comercio
El ministro ecuatoriano de Minas y Petróleos, Galo Chiriboga, consideró hoy que la "reversión voluntaria" al Estado ecuatoriano del Bloque 31 por parte de la estatal brasileña Petrobras, "consolida" la relación petrolera con Brasil.>>>
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October 2 , 2008
Mining Activity Faces Obstacles
El Comercio
With the fluctuation of the price of crude, the Government has set its sights on another extractive activity: mining.
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2 de Octubre del 2008 NUEVO
La actividad minera enfrentará barreras
El Comercio
El vaivén del precio del crudo ha puesto en la mira del Gobierno a otra actividad extractivista: la minería.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

October 1, 2008
TC Defends the Huao Community
El Comercio
Disregard for the collective rights of the Huaorani people. That was the argument that the Chamber I of the Constitutional Court (TC) decided on yesterday to order the cancellation of the usufruct contract of 613,750 hectares of land that was in for the Genesis Eco Development Company.
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1 de Octubre del 2008 NUEVO
El TC defiende a la comunidad huao

El Comercio
Un irrespeto a los derechos colectivos del pueblo huaorani. Ese fue el argumento para que la I Sala del Tribunal Constitucional (TC) decida ayer ordenar la cancelación del contrato de usufructo de 613 750 hectáreas de tierras que tenía a su favor la empresa Eco Génesis Development.
>>> Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

September 28, 2008
The Huoarani and the Ministry of the Environment Will Work Together
El Comercio
In the Huaorani community of Ñoneno, seated on the banks of the Shiripuno river, four hours by dirt road and two hours by river to the south of Francisco de Orellana, the Ministry of the Environment and the Huaorani community signed an agreement.
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28 de Septiembre del 2008 NUEVO
Los huao y el MAE vigilarán juntos
El Comercio
En la comunidad huaorani de Ñoneno, asentada en las orillas del río Shiripuno, a unas cuatro horas por vía terrestre y dos por fluvial, al sur de Francisco de Orellana, se firmó un convenio entre el Ministerio del Ambiente (MAE) y la comunidad huao.>>>
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September 22, 2008
Block 31 Will Return to State Hands in Sixty Days
El Comercio
In sixty days the Brazilian oil company Petrobras will hand over Block 31 to Petroecuador.
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22 de Septiembre del 2008 NUEVO
El bloque 31 regresará en 60 días a manos estatales
El Comercio
En 60 días se concretará la entrega del bloque 31 a Petroecuador. Actualmente está a cargo de la brasileña Petrobras.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

September 22, 2008
Hungary Supports the ITT Proposal
El Comercio
Hungary supports Ecuador’s proposal to keep the oil reserves located in Yasuní National Park underground.
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22 de Septiembre del 2008 NUEVO
Hungría apoya el plan del ITT
El Comercio
Hungría apoya el proyecto mediante el cual Ecuador propone mantener en tierra las reservas de petróleo del Parque Nacional Yasuní.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

September 12, 2008
Francisco Carrión searches in Italy for support of the Yasuní-ITT project
El Comercio
Francisco Carrión, the ex-Chancellor of Ecuador and the personal representative of President Rafael Correa, was in Italy today searching for support and contributions for the conservationist project Yusuní-ITT, which seeks to prevent the development of an important oil reserve in Ecuador.
>>>Read Full Article in English

12 de Septiembre del 2008 NUEVO
Francisco Carrión busca en Italia apoyos para el Proyecto Yasuní-ITT
El Comercio
El ex canciller de Ecuador Francisco Carrión, representante personal del presidente Rafael Correa, buscó hoy en Italia apoyos y contribuciones al proyecto conservacionista Yasuní-ITT, que prevé evitar la explotación de un importante yacimiento de petróleo en el país sudamericano.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

September 9, 2008
The Government Will Begin Bidding for the ITT Oil Fields in January if it Receives No Help to Avoid Development
El Comercio
Ecuador is planning to begin accepting bids on the Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (ITT) oil field, the largest reserve in the country, in January of 2009, if it does not receive sufficient offers of compensation to keep the oil underground by that date.
>>>Read Full Article in English

9 de Septiembre del 2008 NUEVO
Gobierno licitará campo ITT en enero si no hay ayudas para evitar explotación
El Comercio
Ecuador estudia licitar el campo petrolífero de Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (ITT), la reserva más grande del país, en enero de 2009, si hasta esa fecha no recibe suficientes ofertas compensatorios para mantener el crudo bajo tierra.>>>
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August 8, 2008
Petroecuador: ITT Offer is Ready
El Comercio
William Pastor, an agent of Petroecuador’s affiliate company Petroamazonas, announced yesterday that the company’s proposal for the extraction of the Ishpingo Tambococha Tiputini (ITT) oil field is ready for presentation. With 900 million barrels, the ITT field is one of the stars of the regime for oil projects of that caliber.
>>>Read Full Article in English

8 de Agosto del 2008 NUEVO
Lista la oferta para el ITT: Pastor
El Comercio
El gerente de Petroamazonas, filial de Petroecuador, Wilson Pastor, informó ayer que está lista la propuesta que presentará esta empresa para la explotación del campo Ishpingo Tambococha Tiputini (ITT). Por su nivel de reservas (900 millones de barriles), el ITT es uno de los proyectos petroleros estrella del Régimen.>>>
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August 1, 2008
4 Waorani Arrested in Orellana for a Robbery
El Comercio
Four indigenous Waorani were arrested in the province of Orellana. The arrest took place on July 26th in the oil block 16, operated by the Spanish oil company Repsol YPF.
>>>Read Full Article In English

1 de Agosto del 2008 NUEVO
Huaoranis detenidos en Orellana por un robo
El Comercio
Cuatro indígenas de la etnia huaorani fueron detenidos en la provincia de Orellana. La detención se realizó en el bloque 16, operado por la empresa petrolera española Repsol YPF, el pasado 26 de julio.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

July 22 , 2008
Ecuador Urges Donations to Keep ITT Oil Below Ground
El Comercio
The Ecuadorian government urges individuals throughout the world to make donations to the “Energy Transition Fund,” created so that the country’s most important oil reserves will not be exploited but will remain below ground.
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22 de Julio del 2008 NUEVO
Gobierno insta a realizar donaciones para mantener crudo del ITT bajo tierra
El Comercio
El Gobierno invitó hoy a particulares de todo el mundo a hacer donaciones para el "Fondo para la Transición Energética", creado con el propósito de que las reservas petroleras más importantes del país no sean explotadas y se conserven en el subsuelo.>>>
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July 17 , 2008
Four Options to Fill the Mega-Refinery
El Comercio
The Ecuadorian government hopes to be able supply to crude oil to the new refinery, Eloy Alfaro, that will be contructed in Manabí. This is the first option, although they have not discredited the other three alternatives.
>>>Read Full Article In English

17 de Julio del 2008 NUEVO
4 opciones para llenar a la megarrefinería
El Comercio
El Gobierno aspira a llenar con crudo propio la nueva refinería Eloy Alfaro que se construirá en Manabí. Esa es la primera opción que maneja el Régimen, aunque no se descartan otras tres alternativas.>>>
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July 7 , 2008
The first alternative is to keep the oil underground

El Comercio
Why hasn't anything happened in regard to the proposal to keep the crude in the ground after a full year?
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7 de Julio del 2008 NUEVO
La primera alternativa es mantener el crudo bajo tierra

El Comercio
¿Por qué no hay resultados de la propuesta de mantener el crudo en tierra, tras un año?>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

July 2 , 2008
Correa's Plan B for ITT

El Comercio
The lack of results of the project to leave the oil in Yasuni land concerns the president Rafael Correa. He went yesterday to the Board of Petroecuador to address this issue.
>>>Read Full Article In English

2 de Julio del 2008 NUEVO
Correa, con plan B para ITT

El Comercio
La falta de resultados del proyecto para mantener el crudo del Yasuní en tierra preocupa al  presidente  Rafael Correa. El Mandatario asistió ayer al  Directorio de Petroecuador para tratar este tema.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

June 28 , 2008
More resources to care for Yasuní

El Comercio
Yesterday was the official presentation in Coca of the Program to Improve the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Natural and Cultural Assets of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve. The purpose of the program is to improve the protection of the native peoples as well as of the biodiversity.
>>>Read Full Article In English

28 de Junio del 2008 NUEVO
Más recursos para cuidar el Yasuní

El Comercio
El objetivo es mejorar la protección de los pueblos nativos y de la biodiversidad. Ayer fue la presentación oficial, en Coca, del Programa para la Conservación y el Manejo Sostenible del Patrimonio Natural y Cultural de la Reserva de Biósfera Yasuní.>>>
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June 25 , 2008
Plan to Not Exploit ITT Remains without Directors

El Comercio
Just four months before the installment to obtain funds to avoid oil extraction from the ITT fields, many of the involved parties have left the project.
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25 de Junio del 2008 NUEVO
El plan para no explotar el ITT se queda sin directivos

El Comercio
A menos de cuatro meses de que concluya el plazo para recabar fondos para evitar la explotación petrolera del campo ITT, sus responsables dejan el proyecto.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

June 5 , 2008
Correa insists on international co-responsibility for ITT

El Comercio
President Rafael Correa insisted today on the necessity of international co-responsibility in order to continue keeping crude oil underground in the Ishpingo Tambococha Tiputini (ITT) fields, located in Yasuní National Park in the Amazon.
>>>Read Full Article In English

5 de Junio del 2008 NUEVO
Correa insiste en corresponsabilidad internacional en caso ITT

El Comercio
El presidente Rafael Correa insistió hoy en la necesidad de que exista corresponsabilidad internacional para poder continuar con su proyecto de mantener en tierra el petróleo del campo Ishpingo Tambococha Tiputini (ITT), situado en el campo Yasuní, en la Amazonía.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 28, 2008
Oil and Gas Blocks Cover 75 Percent of the Peruvian Amazon

Environmental News Service
LIMA, Peru, May 28, 2008 (ENS) - The Peruvian Amazon, a region that holds some of the most pristine and biodiverse rainforests on Earth, continues to face an unprecedented wave of new oil and gas exploration.
>>>Read Full Article In English

28 de Mayo del 2008
Bloques de crudo y gas cubren 75 porciento de la amazonia peruana

Environmental News Service
Lima, Peru (ENS) - La amazonia peruana, una región que tiene unos de los bosques tropicales más pristinos del mundo, sigue experimentando mucha exploración por gas y crudo.>>>
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May 20 , 2008
General secretary of OPEC visits Ecuador; investigates ITT project

El Comercio
The Secretary General of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Abdullah Salem El-Badri (Libya), will visit Ecuador tomorrow. He is interested in learning about the ITT project taking place in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
>>>Read Full Article In English

20 de Mayo del 2008
Secretario general de la OPEP visita Ecuador interesado en el proyecto ITT

El Comercio
El secretario General de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP), el libio Abdala Salem El- Badri, visitará desde mañana Ecuador interesado en conocer el proyecto ITT, situado en la Amazonía ecuatoriana.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 12 , 2008
Spain shows interest in Ecuador's ecological plan

El Comercio
Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos expressed Spain's "interest" today in the plan to conserve the Ecuadorian Yasuni National Park through a compensation fund that will keep Ecuador from exploiting its oil reserves.
>>>Read Full Article In English

12 de Mayo del 2008
España muestra su "interés" por plan ecológico ecuatoriano

El Comercio
El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores español, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, expresó hoy el "interés" de España por el plan para la conservación del Parque Nacional Yasuní ecuatoriano mediante un fondo de compensación para que Quito renuncie a explotar esos recursos petroleros.>>>
Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 12 , 2008
Correa announces plan to keep crude oil underground at the EU-LAC summit

El Comercio
The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, will invite the leaders attending the Latin America and the Caribbean-European Union (EU-LAC) Summit V to support his government's plan to leave the crude oil in the ITT oil field underground in order to preserve the Amazon.
>>>Read Full Article In English

12 de Mayo del 2008
Correa expondrá en la Cumbre ALC-UE su plan para dejar crudo en tierra

El Comercio
El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, invitará a los líderes que asistan a la V Cumbre América Latina y el Caribe-Unión Europea (ALC-UE) a apoyar el plan de su Gobierno para dejar en tierra el crudo del campo ITT (Ishpingo, Tiputini, Tambococha), con el fin de preservar la naturaleza en la Amazonía.>>>
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April 14 , 2008
The TC gave way to a claim against Petrobras

El Comercio
The Constitutional Court, through third chamber, accepted an appeal against the environmental license granted to Petrobras.
>>>Read Full Article In English

14 de Abril del 2008
El TC dio paso a un recurso de amparo contra Petrobras

El Comercio
El Tribunal Constitucional, a través de su III Sala, aceptó un recurso de amparo en contra de la licencia ambiental otorgada a Petrobras.>>>
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March 27 , 2008
An environmental protection office opened in Orellana

El Comercio
Yesterday marked the opening of offices of the Regional Bureau for Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum in Orellana. The minister Galo Chiriboga inaugurated this bureau.
>>>Read Full Article In English

27 de Marzo del 2008
Una oficina de protección ambiental se abrió en Orellana

El Comercio
Ayer se inauguraron las oficinas de la Dirección Regional de Protección Ambiental del Ministerio de Minas y Petróleos en Orellana. El ministro Galo Chiriboga inauguró esta dependencia.>>>
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February 26, 2008
A plan to protect the Yasuní is put into effect

El Comercio
The objective of the plan is to protect the natural and cultural heritage of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve. Yesterday, the Ministry of the Environment and several organizations signed an agreement to develop the Program for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve.
>>>Read Full Article In English

26 de Febrero del 2008
Un plan para proteger al Yasuní, en marcha

El Comercio
El objetivo es proteger el patrimonio natural y cultural. Ayer, el Ministerio del Ambiente y varias organizaciones firmaron un convenio para desarrollar el Programa para la Conservación y el Manejo Sostenible de la Reserva de Biosfera Yasuní.>>>
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February 19, 2008
Three nationalities ask that their land be respected

El Comercio
Members of the Shuar, Quichua and Huaorani nationalities, who live in the Amazonian province of Pastaza, are concerned about the expansion of settlers into their ancestral territories.
>>>Read Full Article In English

19 de Febrero del 2008
Tres nacionalidades piden que se respeten sus tierras

El Comercio
Integrantes de las nacionalidades shuar, quichua y huaorani, que habitan en la provincia amazónica de Pastaza, están preocupados por la expansión de los colonos en sus territorios ancestrales.>>>
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February 19, 2008
The official comission found only the spears of 5 lost indigenous people

El Comercio
It took a Government commission two days to reach the site where, supposedly, there were the bodies of five indigenous people of the tagaeri-taromenane group.
>>>Read Full Article In English

19 de Febrero del 2008
La comisión oficial solo halló las lanzas de 5 indígenas perdidos

El Comercio
Dos días le tomó a una comisión del Gobierno llegar al sitio donde supuestamente se hallaban los cadáveres de cinco indígenas tagaeri-taromenane.>>>
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February 14, 2008
CONAIE denounces the death of at least 5 taromenanis in the Amazon

El Comercio
At least five members of the indigenous group taromenani, in voluntary isolation, were killed in early February by alleged Columbian wood-cutters in the Ecuadorian Amazon, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAI) announced today.
>>>Read Full Article In English

14 de Febrero del 2008
La Conaie denuncia la muerte de al menos 5 taromenanis en la Amazonia

El Comercio
Por lo menos cinco miembros del grupo indígena taromenani, en aislamiento voluntario, fueron asesinados a comienzos de febrero por supuestos madereros colombianos en la Amazonia ecuatoriana, denunció hoy la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (Conaie).>>>
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February 11, 2008
Attorney asks for four oil companies to leave the Yasuní

El Comercio
The Attorney General of the State, Xavier Garaicoa, called for an amendment of the definition of the oil blocks that are located in the intangible area of the Yasuní.
>>>Read Full Article In English

11 de Febrero del 2008
Procuraduría pidió la salida de 4 petroleras del Yasuní

El Comercio
El Procurador General del Estado, Xavier Garaicoa, pidió que se modifique la delimitación de los bloques petroleros que están en la zona intangible del Yasuní. En esta zona están presentes Repsol, Petroriental, Petrobras y Petroecuador.>>>
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February 2, 2008
Two ministers investigate the oil spill in Orellana

El Comercio
An investigation was launched yesterday of the oil spill that occurred earlier on Wednesday in block 16, managed by Repsol YPF.
>>>Read Full Article In English

2 de Febrero del 2008
Dos ministerios investigan el derrame de crudo en Orellana

El Comercio
Una investigación se inició ayer sobre el derrame de crudo ocurrido el miércoles anterior, en el bloque 16, administrado por Repsol YPF.>>>
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January 11 2008
More oil in the Yasuní

El Comercio
Drilling in the Ishpingo 3 well, located in Yasuní National Park, was completed yesterday. There are an estimated five geological layers in the well. The first layer yielded an output of 2,373 barrels per day of crude oil, while the anterior well gave an output of 4,481. The technicians have yet to discover the limits of this reservoir, considered the largest of the Amazon.
>>>Read Full Article In English

11 de Enero del 2008
Más petróleo en el Yasuní

El Comercio
En el Parque Nacional Yasuní se terminó de perforar el pozo Ishpingo 3 y ya se evalúan cinco capas geológicas. Solo la primera arrojó una producción de 2 373 barriles diarios de crudo, mientras que el pozo anterior dio una producción de 4 481. Los técnicos aún no hallan los límites de este yacimiento, considerado el mayor de la Amazonia.>>>
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January 11 2008
Ecuador extends the deadline to not exploit the ITT until October

El Comercio
The president Rafael Correa extended the deadline from June until October to wait for the international community to step up and prevent the exploitation of petroleum in a natural reserve of Ecuador on the condition that they pay for its conservation.
>>>Read Full Article In English

11 de Enero del 2008
Ecuador extiende hasta octubre el plazo para no explotar el ITT

El Comercio
El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, extendió hasta septiembre el plazo para captar la ayuda internacional, que permitiría dejar en tierra grandes reservas de crudo en un campo petrolífero localizado en un sector sensible de la Amazonía, conocido como ITT.>>>
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January 9 2008
Deadline to receive help for the ITT project extended until September

El Comercio
The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, extended the deadline to attract international aid until September. This international aid would allow large reserves of oil to be left in the ground of an oil field located in a sensitive sector of the Amazon, known as ITT
>>>Read Full Article In English

9 de Enero del 2008
Plazo para captar ayuda para proyecto ITT se extiende hasta septiembre

El Comercio
El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, extendió hasta septiembre el plazo para captar la ayuda internacional, que permitiría dejar en tierra grandes reservas de crudo en un campo petrolífero localizado en un sector sensible de la Amazonía, conocido como ITT.>>>
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January 6 2008
Petroleum: The Hour of Truth

El Comercio
The Ecuadorian economy will continue to be primarily dependent on oil exports, and the government knows it cannot allow the sector to repeat the low yields of 2007. The -9.8 registered last year affected the modest growth of the Gross Domestic Product, and reflects that in Ecuador the conditions were not right to take advantage of the high global oil prices, in both public as well as private sectors.
>>>Read Full Article In English

6 de Enero del 2008
Petróleo: la hora de la verdad

El Comercio
La economía ecuatoriana seguirá atada principalmente a las exportaciones petroleras, y el Gobierno sabe que no puede dejar que el sector repita este año los bajos rendimientos del 2007. El -9,8 registrado el año pasado incidió en el modesto crecimiento del Producto Interno Bruto, y refleja que en el Ecuador no se dieron las condiciones para aprovechar la coyuntura mundial de los altos precios del crudo, tanto desde el sector público como del privado. >>>
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January 1, 2008 -
Oil Development Set to Begin in Remote Amazon of Peru and Ecuador,
Threatening Last Uncontacted Indigenous Peoples

Yasuní Rainforest Campaign News - 1 de Enero, 2008 -
One of the most intact and biodiverse rainforest regions on Earth, located in the Upper Amazon on the Ecuadorian-Peruvian border, is now severely threatened by imminent oil development. This region, known as the Napo Moist Forest Region , is renowned for its record-breaking biodiversity numbers and is so remote that it is home to several uncontacted indigenous groups living in voluntary isolation.
>>>Read Full Article In English

1 de Enero del 2008 -
Desarrollo de Petroleo ha de comenzar en el remoto Amazonas,Amenaza a los pueblos indígenas no contactados restantes

Yasuní Rainforest Campaign News - 1 de Enero, 2008 -
EUno de los más biodiversos selva intacta y regiones de la Tierra, situada en la Selva Alta en la frontera ecuatoriano - peruana, se encuentra ahora gravemente amenazada por la inminente explotación petrolera.

Esta región, conocida como la Región del Bosque Húmedo del Napo, es reconocido por su récord de la diversidad biológica y los números están tan alejados que es el hogar de varios grupos de indígenas no contactados que viven en aislamiento voluntario. >>>
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December 21 , 2007
A Waorani, imprisoned "for attacking soldiers"

El Comercio
Since December 4, Nampay Ahua, a Waorani from the community of Guiyero, has been imprisoned in the jail of the Judicial Police of Coca.
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21 de Diciembre del 2007
Un huaorani, preso 'por atacar a militares'

El Comercio
Desde el 4 de diciembre, Nampay Ahua, un huaorani de la comunidad de Guiyero, está preso en el calabozo de la Policía Judicial del Coca.>>>
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December 16 , 2007
A Look at the Waorani Life

El Comercio
An Ecuadorian flag signals the site of the Waorani community Boanamo. It appears after 15 hours of navigating the rivers Shiripuno and Cononaco, in the province of Orellana.
>>>Read Full Article In English

16 de Diciembre del 2007
Una mirada a la vida Huaorani

El Comercio
Una bandera de Ecuador señala el sitio donde se asienta la comunidad huaorani de Boanamo. Aparece luego de navegar durante 15 horas los ríos Shiripuno y Cononaco, en la provincia de Orellana.>>>
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December 9 , 2007
They Have the Support of the Community

El Comercio
"These groups [loggers] can stay a little more than two months," confirms Alonso Jaramillo, director of the Yasuní National Park.
>>>Read Full Article In English

9 de Diciembre del 2007
Ellos tienen el respaldo de la comunidad

El Comercio
'Estos grupos (taladores) pueden permanecer un poco más de dos meses", confirma Alonso Jaramillo, director del Parque Nacional Yasuní.>>>
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December 4, 2007
Oil Developers Permitted to Penetrate Pristine Upper Amazon

WASHINGTON, DC, December 4, 2007 (ENS) - One of the most intact and biodiverse rainforest regions on Earth, located in the Upper Amazon Basin on the Ecuadorian-Peruvian border, is now threatened by imminent oil development, warns a conservation organization based in Washington with close ties to its counterpart groups in South America.
>>>Read Full Article In English

4 de Diciembre del 2007
Trabajadores del Crudo Permitidos en la Amazonía Alta

Washington, D.C., 4 de diciembre del 2007 (ENS) - Una región del bosque tropical de la amazonia situada entre Perú y Ecuador que tiene un nivel muy alto de biodiversidad está amenazada por el desarrollo iminente de crudo, dice una organización ambiental basada en Washington con buenas relaciones con grupos en América del sur.>>>
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November 27 , 2007
Yasuní Proposal Nears Completion

El Comercio
The negotiating team is ready and details are being finalized for the mechanism of collecting the contributions, announced Foreign Secretary Maria Fernanda Espinosa yesterday. The announcement was made during the inauguration of an international forum to analyze the economic model of Yasuní-ITT.
>>>Read Full Article In English

27 de Noviembre del 2007
La propuesta Yasuní está a punto

El Comercio
El equipo negociador está listo y se ultiman los detalles del mecanismo de recaudación de los aportes. Aquello anunció ayer la canciller María Fernanda Espinosa, durante la inauguración del taller internacional para analizar el modelo económico Yasuní-ITT.>>>
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November 3 , 2007
President Defends Concession of Environmental License to Petrobrás

El Comercio
The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, on his radio broadcast today, insisted on defending the concession of an environmental license to the Brazilian company Petrobrás. The company extracts crude oil in Block 31 within the Yasuní National Park, a UNESCO world biodiversity reserve.
>>>Read Full Article In English

3 de Noviembre del 2007
El Presidente defiende la concesión de la licencia ambiental para Petrobrás

El Comercio
El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, insistió hoy en su cadena radial de los sábados en defender la concesión de la licencia ambiental para que la empresa brasileña Petrobrás explote crudo en el bloque 31, dentro del Parque Nacional Yasuní, reserva mundial de la biósfera declarada por la Unesco.>>>
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November 1 , 2007
CONAIE Appeals Petrobrás' Environmental License

El Comercio
The president of CONAIE (the Confederation of Indigenous Nations of Ecuador), Luis Macas, declared today that the Amazon community of the Waorani submitted a constitutional appeal against the environmental license recently given to Petrobrás oil company. The government-issued license allows Petrobrás to drill for crude oil in Yasuní National Park.
>>>Read Full Article In English

1 de Noviembre del 2007
La Conaie presenta amparo contra la licencia ambiental de Petrobrás

El Comercio
El presidente de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de Ecuador, Luis Macas, declaró hoy que la comunidad amazónica huaorani presentó una demanda de amparo constitucional contra la licencia ambiental dada a la empresa Petrobrás por el gobierno para explotar crudo en el Parque Yasuní.>>>
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November 1 , 2007
70 Waorani March in the Streets of Quito

El Comercio
Wearing their traditional clothing and shouting loudly, 70 Waorani marched through the streets of Quito yesterday in protest of the environmental license recently conceded to Petrobrás to drill for oil in Block 31. The men carried spears in their hands and some women carried their babies.
>>>Read Full Article In English

1 de Noviembre del 2007
70 huaorani marcharon por las calles de Quito

El Comercio
Luciendo sus atuendos típicos y lanzando gritos de protesta. Los hombres con lanzas en sus manos y algunas mujeres cargando a sus bebés. Así marcharon ayer alrededor de 70 huaorani por las calles de Quito en protesta contra la licencia ambiental del bloque 31 entregada a Petrobras.>>>
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October 31 , 2007
Amazon Indigenous Groups Protest against Petrobrás

El Comercio
Half-naked Amazon indigenous peoples, with spears and feather crowns on their heads, arrived here in the capitol to protest the oil extraction of the Brazilian company Petrobrás, and to ask the government to stop the drilling for crude oil on the land where they live.
>>>Read Full Article In English

31 de Octubre del 2007
Indígenas amazónicos protestan contra Petrobras

El Comercio
Indígenas amazónicos semidesnudos, con lanzas y coronas de plumas en sus cabezas, llegaron a esta capital para protestar contra la explotación petrolera de la empresa brasileña Petrobras y solicitaron al gobierno detener la extracción de crudo en las tierras donde viven.>>>
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October 17 , 2007
Indigenous Amazonians Demand Petrobrás Leave the Jungle

El Comercio
Some 30 indigenous Amazonians, some with feather crowns and spears, demonstrated Wednesday in front of the governmental palace in opposition to the presence of the Brazilian oil company Petrobrás. They judge the company's future operations in the Amazon a threat to their people and their land.
>>>Read Full Article In English

17 de Octubre del 2007
Indígenas amazónicos piden salida de Petrobras de selva ecuatoriana

El Comercio
Unos 30 indígenas amazónicos, algunos con penachos y lanzas, se manifestaron el miércoles frente al palacio de gobierno para rechazar la presencia de la petrolera brasileña Petrobras en el país por considerar que las futuras operaciones de la compañía en la Amazonia son una amenaza para su pueblo y su territorio.
La oficina de Petrobras en Ecuador no se pronunció de inmediato ante un requerimiento de la AP.>>>
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September 17 , 2007
Prohibition Doesn't Stop Logging in the Untouchable Zone

El Comercio
The trees of the Yasuní National Park continue to bleed. A forest inspection confirmed the presence of loggers within the "untouchable zone" (zona intangible) reserved exclusively for the uncontacted indigenous people living there.
>>>Read Full Article In English

17 de Septiembre del 2007
La veda de madera no frena el tráfico del cedro en la zona intangible

El Comercio
Los bosques del Parque Nacional Yasuní siguen desangrándose. Durante una inspección forestal se constató la presencia de los madereros dentro de la zona intangible. Esta área es reservada exclusivamente para los pueblos todavía no contactados que allí habitan.>>>
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August 23 , 2007
Waorani to Guard Yasuní

El Comercio
The Waorani promised to guard their ancestral territory, consisting of the "Untouchable Zone" (zona intangible, or ZI) and the Yasuní National Park.
>>>Read Full Article In English

23 de Agosto del 2007
Los huaorani también vigilarán al Yasuní

El Comercio
Los huaorani se comprometerán a vigilar más su territorio ancestral, la Zona Intangible y el Parque Yasuní.>>>
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August 9 , 2007
The Waorani to Guard the Forests of Yasuní Park

El Comercio
The object is for the Waorani to assume greater responsibility for the conservation of Yasuní National Park. Towards this end, a delegation of that Amazonian community met yesterday in Quito with various representatives of the government.
>>>Read Full Article In English

9 de Agosto del 2007
Los huaorani serán los vigilantes de los bosques del Parque Yasuní

El Comercio
El objetivo es que los huaorani asuman una mayor responsabilidad en la conservación del Yasuní. Dentro de ese proceso, una delegación de dicha comunidad amazónica se reunió ayer en Quito con varios representantes del Gobierno.>>>
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August 8 , 2007
Waorani Discuss the Untouchable Zone

El Comercio
Yesterday morning, over 150 Waorani from 32 communities in Napo, Pastazo, and Orellana met in Coca. At the meeting they finalized proposals regarding the handling of the untouchable zone (zone intangible, or ZI).
>>>Read Full Article In English

8 de Agosto del 2007
Los huaorani hablaron de la zona intangible

El Comercio
Ayer en la mañana, alrededor de 150 huaoranis de 32 comunidades de Napo, Pastaza y Orellana se reunieron.>>>
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July 7, 2007 -
Images of Yasuní at Al Gore's Concerts

El Comercio "We don't want oil companies in Yasuní, we don't want them to destroy our lands," said Manuela Ima, here as part of a group of Waorani women. Meanwhile, her friend Dayo Inomenga sung praises of the rainforest.
>>>Read Full Article In English

7 de Julio del 2007 -
Las imágenes del Yasuní, en conciertos de Al Gore

El Comercio
No queremos las petroleras dentro del Yasuní, no queremos que se destruyan nuestras tierras". Esto decía Manuela Ima, del grupo de mujeres huaorani, mientras su compañera Dayu Inomenga cantaba en su lengua reverencias a la selva.>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

June 27, 2007 -
Justice in the Texaco Case

El Comercio On June 26, the Federal Court of New York confirmed the legal competence of the Ecuadorian judges to rule on this case for the legal damages that more than 30,000 affected residents of the Amazon brought against the oil company Chevron-Texaco. The ruling denied the multinational company’s request for arbitration on the appeals of the plaintiffs, who are affected by deaths of family members, chronic illnesses, and the ecological destruction of their habitat, caused by the use of obsolete technology in the extraction of crude oil in the area. The court’s decision is a verdict for justice in the long judicial process that has already lasted more than 14 years, with testimony before courts in the U.S. and in Lago Agrio, Ecuador. The plaintiffs seek compensation for the conflicts between hydrocarbon exploitation and the lives and well-being of the indigenous Amazonian peoples, such as the destruction of the fragile ecosystems in their care.
>>>Read Full Article In English

27 Junio del 2007 -
Justicia en caso Texaco

El Comercio La Corte Federal de Nueva York confirmó, el 19 de este mes, la competencia legal de jueces ecuatorianos para dirimir en el juicio, por daños y perjuicios, que más de 30 000 damnificados de la Amazonía entablaron contra la petrolera Chevron-Texaco, desechando el pedido de esa multinacional de resolver por arbitraje los reclamos de los demandantes afectados por muertes de familiares, enfermedades crónicas y ruina ecológica de su hábitat, causados por el uso de tecnología obsoleta en la extracción del crudo de esa concesión.La decisión de dicha Corte significa un veredicto de justicia en el largo proceso judicial que, por mas de 14 años, se sustancia ante tribunales norteamericanos y de Lago Agrio en procura de una indemnización que repare las realidades conflictivas entre la explotación hidrocarburífera, la vida y la salud de los pueblos indígenas amazónicos, así como la destrucción mercantilista de los ecosistemas frágiles en su conservación.
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

June 7, 2007 -
Campaign for ITT Moratorium Has International Showcase

El Comercio Lourdes Tibán took advantage of the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Rights to promote Ecuador’s campaign in favor of Yasuní National Park.
>>>Read Full Article In English

7 Junio del 2007 -
La campaña por la moratoria del ITT tiene vitrina internacional

El Comercio Lourdes Tibán no desaprovechó para vender la idea de Ecuador en el Foro Permanente de Derechos Indígenas de las Naciones Unidas. Ella consideró que era propicio para promocionar la campaña a favor del Parque Nacional Yasuní.
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

June 3, 2007 -
Ecuadorian Government Launches Plan to Leave Oil Below-ground in Yasuní

El Comercio The Ecuadorian government launched a national and international campaign to obtain funds in exchange for leaving the oil in Yasuní reserve underground. The reserve is in the Amazon rainforest, and has been declared a world biosphere reserve.
>>>Read Full Article In English

3 Junio del 2007 -
Gobierno lanzará el martes una campania para conseguir recursos a cambio de dejar en tierra el petróleo de la reserva Yasuní

El Comercio El Gobierno lanzará el martes una campaña a nivel nacional e internacional para conseguir recursos a cambio de dejar en tierra el petróleo de la reserva Yasuní, en la Amazonia local y declarada reserva mundial de la biósfera.
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 27, 2007 -
Extraction of Crude Oil Reaches the Untouchable Zone

El Comercio Ecuador’s environmental laws prohibit all extractive activities in natural reserve areas. But the northern part of Yasuní National Park has now been conceeded to oil companies due to arguments of national interest.
>>>Read Full Article In English

27 de Mayo del 2007 -
La extracción de crudo se toma hasta la Zona Intangible

El Comercio Las leyes ambientales prohíben toda actividad extractiva en las áreas de reserva natural. Pero argumentando intereses nacionales, la parte norte del Yasuní ha sido concesionada a las empresas petroleras.
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 27, 2007 -
Waorani Cling to Oil Assistance in Yasuní, After State Abandonment

El Comercio Dressed in long black pants, with his top half naked, Nambae, one of the Waorani warrier chiefs, planted himself squarely in the middle of the road with an imposing attitude.
>>>Read Full Article In English

27 de Mayo del 2007 -
Los huao se aferran a la asistencia petrolera en Yasuní, hay abandono estatal

El Comercio Vestía pantaloneta negra alargada y tenía su dorso desnudo. Nambae, uno de los jefes guerreros huaorani, se plantó en media vía con una actitud imponente.
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

-May 19, 2007 -
Indigenous People Fight for Conservation of Yasuni in the U.N.

El Comercio The Council on Development of the Indigenous Peoples and Nations of Ecuador (Codenpe) joined the campaign for conservation yesterday, urging the international community to help Ecuador financially so that they will not have to extract the existing oil in Yasuní National Park.
>>>Read Full Article In English

NUEVO19 de Mayo del 2007 -
Los indígenas abogaron por la conservación del Yasuní en la ONU

El Comercio El Consejo de Desarrollo de los Pueblos y Nacionalidades Indígenas de Ecuador (Codenpe) se sumó a la campaña. Ayer instó a la comunidad internacional a que ayude financieramente para que Ecuador no tenga que explotar el petróleo existente en el Parque Nacional de Yasuní (PNY).
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 18, 2007 -
Three Indigenous Groups Hidden In Yasuní National Park in Danger of Disappearing

El Comercio The three uncontacted indigenous groups presumed to be hidden in the jungle of western Ecuador are now in immediate danger of disappearing, with no traces left, thanks to pressures from loggers, oil companies, and diseases foreign to their environment.
>>>Read Full Article In English

18 de May del 2007 -
Tres grupos de indígenas ocultos en el Parque Nacional Yasuní están en peligro de desaparecer

El Comercio Los tres grupos de indígenas ocultos que se presume se refugian en la selva del oriente de Ecuador están en peligro inmediato de desaparecer sin dejar rastro por la presión de madereros, petroleros y enfermedades ajenas a su ambiente.
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 17, 2007 -
Nine Forest Rangers Guard the 900,000 Hectares of Yasuní National Park

El Comercio Nine forest rangers, with scarce means and budgets, guard the more than 900,000 hectares of Yasuní National Park. They protect the jungle itself as well as the voluntary isolation of several primitive tribes that live in the park, which is the largest and the most important natural reserve in Ecuador.
>>>Read Full Article In English

17 de May del 2007 -
Nueve guardabosques vigilan las 900 000 hectáreas de parque Yasuní en Ecuador

El Comercio Nueve guardabosques, con escasos medios y presupuesto, vigilan las más de 900 000 hectáreas del Parque Nacional Yasuní, para proteger la selva y el aislamiento voluntario de algunos pueblos primitivos que habitan la mayor y más importante reserva natural de Ecuador.
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

May 2007 -
Ecuadorian Government Proposes Plan to NOT Drill in ITT

Save America's Forests News Story -
In recent weeks, an intense debate has been unfolding in Ecuador: develop the massive oil fields in the heart of the country’s only Amazonian national park, Yasuní, or leave the oil in the ground in order to protect the park’s extraordinary biodiversity and indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation. Yasuní National Park is part of the Napo Moist Forest Region, considered by many scientists to be the most biodiverse forest on earth, with record or near record amounts of insects, birds, monkeys, amphibians, trees, and plants. Over the past several weeks, however, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has repeatedly been advertising his government’s offer that if the international community can compensate the country with half of the forecasted lost revenues, they will leave the oil in the ground. Correa estimates this figure at around $350 million per year.
>>>Read Full Article In English

Mayo del 2007 -
El gobierno de Ecuadorian propone plan para no perforar adentro el ITT.

Save America's Forests News Story -
En semanas recientes, un discusión intenso ha estado revelando en Ecuador: desarrollar los yacimientos de petróleo masivos en el corazón del único parque nacional Amazonian del país, Yasuní, o dejar el aceite en el de tierra para proteger a la biodiversidad extraordinaria y a la gente indígena del parque que viven en el aislamiento voluntario. El parque nacional de Yasuní es parte de la región húmeda del bosque de Napo, considerada por muchos científicos ser la mayoría del bosque del biodiverse en la tierra, con cantidades de registro de registro o cercanas de insectos, de pájaros, de monos, de anfibios, de árboles, y de plantas. Sobre el pasado varias semanas, sin embargo, presidente Rafael Correa de Ecuadorian ha estado anunciando en varias ocasiones la oferta de su gobierno que si la comunidad internacional puede compensar el país con la mitad de los réditos perdidos pronosticados, ellos dejará el aceite en la tierra. Correa estima esta figura aproximadamente $350 millones por año.
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

April 19, 2007 -
Correa Proposes Policy to Protect Nomadic Peoples of the Amazon

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa proposed today a state policy to protect two nomadic tribes living in voluntary isolation in the Amazon.
>>>Read Full Article In English

19 de Abril del 2007 -
Correa propone política para proteger pueblos nómadas amazonicos

El presidente ecuatoriano, Rafael Correa, propuso hoy una política de Estado para proteger a dos pueblos nómadas que viven en aislamiento voluntario en la Amazonía.
>>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

January 31, 2007 -
Use of $2 Million Isn’t Justified in the Amazon

El Comercio-
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa proposed today a state policy to protect two nomadic tribes living in voluntary isolation in the Amazon.
>>>Read Full Article In English

31 de enero del 2007
El uso de 2 millones de dólares no se justifica en la Amazonia

Un informe preparado por el Ministerio de Bienestar Social (MBS) en Pastaza, revela varias irregularidades cometidas en la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana (Confeniae) y en otras organizaciones. La suma bordea un millón de dólares en proyectos y una cifra similar en construcciones. >>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol

January 9, 2007 -
Ecuadorian Government Creates 2 Million Acre "Intangible Zone"

Save America's Forests News Story -
- Ecuadorian President Alfredo Palacio signed the long-awaited Presidential Decree delimiting the Intangible Zone, or Zona Intangible as its called in Ecuador. Oil extraction, as well as logging, is permanently prohibited within the zone.The Intangible Zone is designed to protect the Tagaeri-Taromenane—the last two known indigenous groups in voluntary isolation in Ecuador.
>>>Read Full Article In English

9 de enero del 2007
El gobierno ecuatoriano crea 758,000 hectarea Zona Intangible

Presidente ecuatoriano Alfredo Palacio firmó el Decreto para delimitar la Zona Intangible. Todo tipo de actividad extractivista, como petroleo y la tala de madera, esta prohibido dentro la zona. La Zona Intangible es diseñado a proteger los Tagaeri-Taromenane, los ultimos pueblos en aislamiento voluntario en Ecuador >>>Leer todo el articulo En Espanol






    October 2006
Scientists and NGOs Criticize New “Roadless” Petrobras Plan to Build Oil Facilities in Yasuní

    Octubre 2006
Los científicos y NGOs Critican Nuevo Plan de Petrobras para construir instalaciones en Yasuní

Save America's Forests News - In two separate letters delivered to the Ecuadorian government, a group of over 40 Yasuni scientists (known as the Scientists Concerned for Yasuni) and 6 international NGOs have criticized Petrobras’ new Environmental Impact Study (EIS) of their new “roadless” plan to build oil production facilities in Yasuní.

Although both letters praise Ecuador for stopping Petrobras from building an access road into Yasuni National Park, they emphasize that the new project design (construction and operation of 2 drilling platforms, flow lines, a processing facility and pipeline) will cause major impacts to the region’s biodiversity and indigenous peoples.

For example, a massive new processing facility would be constructed on the alluvial plain of the world renowned Tiputini River. Sixteen hectares of mature, inundated forests along the Tiputini would have to be cleared and drained, completely destroying the habitat.

Also, the rainforest surrounding the proposed sites for the two drilling platforms is home to large mammal species considered indicators of high quality rainforest, such as tapir, giant armadillo, giant anteater, and large monkey species.

Moreover, the processing facility would be built on an important hunting area for the Kichwa community of Chiru Isla, and the drilling platforms would be located within the prime hunting grounds of the Waorani community of Kawimeno.

Both letters also emphasize that the Waorani representative organizations-ONHAE and AMWAE-were never consulted about the project, let alone grant consent for activities on their ancestral territory.

Therefore, both letters urge the Ecuadorian government to NOT approve the study and to cancel the project.

If Ecuador proceeds with the project, the scientist letter details a number of critical changes that would significantly reduce the project’s impacts. The scientists propose the utilization of a nearby existing processing facility instead of the construction of a new plant along the Tiputini. They also propose eliminating one of the two drilling platforms through the use of Extended Reach Drilling. The scientists also demand that the project only proceed with the prior, informed consent of ONHAE.

The Scientist Concerned for Yasuni letter was signed by 44 scientists, including many with extensive research experience within the park.

The NGO letter was signed by Save America’s Forests, Land is Life, Amazon Watch, Environmental Defense, Friends of the Earth, and Rainforest Rescue.

Read the 2 letters, the Petrobras EIS, and more, below

Los científicos y NGOs Critican Nuevo Plan de Petrobras

EN ESPAÑOL Save America's Forests News - En dos cartas entregadas al gobierno ecuatoriano, un grupo de mas de 40 científicos de Yasuni (conocido como los Científicos Preocupados para Yasuni) y 6 NGOs internacionales ha criticado Petrobras' nuevo Estudio de Impacto Ambiental.

Aunque ambas cartas elogian Ecuador para parar la construcción de un vía de acceso en Parque Nacional Yasuní por Petrobras, ellos enfatizan que el nuevo diseño de proyecto (la construcción y la operación de 2 plataformas de producción, las líneas del flujo, un estación central de procesamiento y un oleoducto) causará impactos mayores a la biodiversidad y personas indígenas de la región.

Por ejemplo, una nueva estación central de procesamiento se construiría en la llanura aluvial del famoso Río Tiputini. Dieciséis hectáreas de bosques maduros e inundados por el Tiputini se tendrían que vaciadas y desaguadas, destruyendo completamente el hábitat.

También, la selva tropical que rodea los sitios propuestos para las dos plataformas de producción está el hogar de especies grandes del mamíferos considerados como indicadores de selva de alta calidad, tal como tapir, armadillo gigantesco, oso hormiguero gigantesco, y unas especies grande de mono.

Además, la nueva estación central de procesamiento se construiría en un importante lugar de cacería para la comunidad Kichwa de Chiru Isla, y las plataformas de producción se localizarían dentro una importante área de cacería para la comunidad Waorani de Kawimeno.

Ambas cartas enfatizan también que las organizaciones representativos del Waorani—

ONHAE y AMWAE—nunca se consultaron acerca del proyecto, ni dieron consentimiento para las actividades en su territorio ancestral.

Por lo tanto, ambas cartas instan el gobierno ecuatoriano a NO aprobar el estudio y para cancelar el proyecto.

Si Ecuador avanza con el proyecto, la carta de los científicos detalla varios cambios críticos que reducirían apreciablemente los impactos de proyecto. Los científicos proponen la utilización de un estación de procesamiento que ya existe cerca en vez de la construcción de una nueva estación por el Tiputini. Ellos proponen también eliminando uno de las dos plataformas de producción por el uso del “Extended Reach Drilling.” Los científicos demandan también que el proyecto sólo avanza con el consentimiento previo y informado de ONHAE.

La carta de los Científicos Preocupados para Yasuni fue firmado por 44 científicos, inclusive muchos con la experiencia extensa de investigación dentro del parque. La carta de los NGOs fue firmada por Save America’s Forests, Land is Life, Amazon Watch, Environmental Defense, Friends of the Earth, and Rainforest Rescue.

Read the Letters Opposing the New Petrobras "roadless" EIS
Lea las letras que oponen el Petrobras nuevo EIS "roadless" en espanol

NGO letter
Letra del NGO en español

Scientists Concerned for Yasuní letter
Letra del Los Científicos Preocupados por Yasuní en español

Read the New Petrobras "roadless" EIS Executive Summary in Spanish
Lea las Petrobras nuevo EIS "roadless" resumen ejuecutivo en español

Read the entire New Petrobras "roadless" EIS in Spanish
Lea las entero Petrobras nuevo EIS en español

Map of Yasuni and the Petrobras EIS
Mapa de Yasuní y del Petrobras EIS

Government Information page on the Petrobras EIS
Página de la información del gobierno en el Petrobras EIS



    October 2006
Chinese Oil Company Escalates Exploration Activities within Yasuní

 Octubre 2006
La Compañía china Intensifica las Actividades dentro de Yasuní

Save America's Forests News - Andes Petroleum, a partnership between two Chinese state oil companies (CNPC and Sinopec) is currently conducting a massive 3D seismic operation in Yasuní National Park.

The seismic operation is taking place in the southeast section of Block 14, between the two scientific research stations on the Tiputini River. The Tiputini is one of the most intact parts of Yasuni and world renowned as one of the greatest spots on Earth to spot birds and wildlife.

Further, Andes Petroleum is preparing to drill two new exploratory wells within this section of the Park as well. The Ecuadorian Environment Ministry is currently considering the environmental licenses for the two wells, but it is expected that they will approve them soon.

There is deep concern about the ecological impacts of a large seismic project and drilling of two wells in this intact and megadiverse region. For example, similar seismic projects in Ecuador and Bolivia have driven out local wildlife populations. The greatest fear, of course, is that large oil reserves may be discovered and the area will soon be devastated by major oil extraction activities.

Octubre 2006
La Compañía china Intensifica las Actividades dentro de Yasuní

EN ESPAÑOL Save America's Forests News - Andes Petroleum, una asociación entre dos compañías del petróleo del estado china (CNPC y Sinopec) realiza actualmente un masivo operación sísmica 3D en Parque Nacional Yasuní.

La operación sísmica sucede en la sección del sudeste del Bloque 14, entre las dos estaciones científica en el Río Tiputini. El Tiputini es uno de las partes más intactas de Yasuni y el renombrados como uno de los mejor lugares en la Tierra para observar pájaros y fauna.

Aún más, Andes Petroleum prepara para taladrar dos nuevos pozos exploratorios dentro esta sección del Parque también. El Ministerio del Ambiente de Ecuador es actualmente estudiando las licencias ambientales para los dos pozos, pero se espera que los aprobará pronto.

Hay mucha preocupación acerca de los impactos ecológicos de un proyecto sísmico y taladrando de dos pozos en esta región tan intacto y megadiverse. Por ejemplo, proyectos sísmicos semejantes realizados en Ecuador y Bolivia han expulsado a poblaciones locales de fauna. El temor más grande, por supuesto, es que reservas grandes del petróleo se pueden descubrir y el área pronto será devastada por actividades mayores de extracción de petróleo.




   October 2006
Ecuador Prepares to Create “Intangible Zone”
Massive Area Off-limits to logging and oil

 Octubre 2006
Ecuador Prepara para Crear la "Zona Intangible"

Un Area masiva Prohibida a petróleo y la tala

Save America's Forests News - The Ecuadorian government is preparing to finally delimit a 1,873,093 acre Zona Intangible—or Intangible Zone—in the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon via a Presidential Decree. Extractive activities such as logging and oil would be prohibited within the zone. The Intangible Zone is designed to protect the Tagaeri and Taromenane, the last two known groups of indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation in Ecuador. The Zone is comprised of the southern part of Yasuni National Park and the southeast section of Huaorani Territory.

The Intangible Zone was initially created in 1999, but its borders were never defined. Therefore, the Zone didn’t technically exist and there was little enforcement. One important consequence is that illegal logging within the Zone has escalated in recent years, leading to deadly confrontations between loggers and the Tagaeri-Taromenane.

There is controversial language in the Decree that places restrictions on—but doesn’t prohibit—oil activities within the buffer zone of the Intangible Zone. Therefore, it has been strongly criticized by CONAIE (the representative organization for the indigenous groups of Ecuador). CONAIE argues that all 4,942,200 acres of ancestral Huaorani Territory should be off-limits to oil activities.

However, the Intangible Zone does put the most potentially destructive oil reserve—

Awant, located in Andes Petroleum’s Block 17—off-limits. Awant is located in the general region where it is believed the Taromenane are currently living. Andes Petroleum has indicated its interest in developing this oil reserve. The Intangible Zone also includes the Obe oil reserve—located in Petrobras’ Block 31—and part of the ITT reserves. The Decree also prohibits the construction of oil access roads within the buffer zone.

The latest draft of the Decree also includes—for the first time—a government commitment to set up both permanent and rotating logging control posts. It is widely believed that such posts are a critical first step in stopping the illegal logging since all the wood exits via only a few rivers and down one principal road.

Save America’s Forests has been very active in the process of finalizing the Intangible Zone over the past several months. Save America’s Forests —working very closely with ONHAE Vice President Moi Enomenga—was the driving force that led to the consultation of the Huaorani about the Intangible Zone. Over 150 Huaorani from nearly all the communities gathered in Coca on September 8 to meet with Environment Ministry officials and learn the details of the Intangible Zone and voice concerns about how it may impact them. Save America’s Forests was also instrumental in forcing some key changes added to the latest draft of the Decree, including the logging posts mentioned above, and greater representation of ONHAE in the management of the Zone.

EN ESPAÑOL Save America's Forests News - El gobierno ecuatoriano prepara para finalmente delimitar una Zona Intangible de 758,000 hectáreas en la corazón de la Amazonia ecuatoriana por un Decreto Ejecutivo. Las actividades extractivas tales como petróleo y la tala sería prohibido dentro la zona. La Zona Intangible se diseña para proteger el Tagaeri y Taromenane, los últimos dos grupos conocidos de indígenas en aislamiento voluntario en Ecuador. La Zona se comprende de la parte sur del Parque Nacional Yasuni y la sección sudeste del Territorio Huaorani.

La Zona Intangible se creó inicialmente en 1999, pero sus fronteras nunca se definieron. Por lo tanto, la Zona no existió técnicamente y había poca aplicación. Una consecuencia importante es la tala ilegal dentro de la Zona se ha agravado en los últimos años, llevando a confrontaciones mortales entre madereros y los Tagaeri-Taromenane.

Hay una parte polémico en el Decreto que coloca unas restricciones en—pero no prohibe—las actividades del petróleo dentro de la zona de amortiguamiento de la Zona Intangible. Por lo tanto, ha sido criticado fuertemente por CONAIE. CONAIE discute que todos los 2,000,000 hectáreas de Territorio Huaorani ancestral deben ser prohibidos las actividades petróleo.

Sin embargo, la Zona Intangible incluye la reserva petróleo potencialmente mas destructiva— Awant, localizado en el Bloque 17 de Andes Petroleum—dentro los límites. Awant se localiza en la región general donde lo se cree que los Taromenane vive actualmente. Andes Petroleum ha indicado su interés a desarrollar esta reserva del petróleo. La Zona Intangible incluye también la reserva del petróleo Obe—localizó en Bloque 31 dePetrobras'—y parte de las reservas de ITT. El Decreto prohibe también la construcción de vías de acceso dentro la zona de amortiguamiento.

El último borrdor del Decreto incluye también—para la primera vez—un compromiso del gobierno para establecer controles permanentes y moviles. Se cree extensamente que tales controles son un primer paso crítico a parar la tala ilegal debido a las rutas de salida para los madereros son bien conocidos.

Save America’s Forests ha sido muy activo en el proceso de completar la Zona Intangible sobre los pasados varios meses. Save America’s Forests—trabajando muy de cerca con el Vicepresidente de ONHAE, Moi Enomenga—estaba trabajando muy duro para convencer el gobierno a llevar a cabo la consulta del Huaorani acerca de la Zona Intangible. Mas de 150 Huaorani de casi todas las comunidades reunieron en la Coca el 8 de septiembre con funcionarios de Ministerio de Ambiente para aprender los detalles de la Zona Intangibles y hablar acerca de sus preocupaciones. Save America’s Forests era también instrumental en forzar algunos cambios claves en el último borrador del Decreto, inclusive los controles mencionado arriba, y la representación más justo de ONHAE en la administración de la Zona.




    September 2006

Save America's Forests News - On August 30, in an invitation-only presentation in Quito, Petrobras unveiled the new project design for extracting oil within one of the most intact parts of Yasuni National Park and Biosphere Reserve. This region is the ancestral territory of the Huaorani and is widely recognized as possessing one of the most biodiverse rainforests on Earth.

The previous project design called for construction of an access road and processing facility within the park to exploit oil from the Nenke and Apaika platforms within Block 31, but was blocked in July 2005 by the Ecuadorian Environment Ministry. The Ministry, acting on intense national and international pressure, called on Petrobras to design a new roadless project.

The new design includes two major changes. First, it moves the processing facility to 2 km north of the park boundary, at the end of the 12 km access road that Petrobras built to the north of the park in early 2005. Second, instead of construction of an access road, helicopters will be used to access the site and facilitate the construction and maintenance of the flow lines and two platforms. Helicopters will be used to transport all equipment, including pipeline pipe, and personnel to one of five heliports within the park (three along the flow line route, and two more at the two platforms).

A total of 23.7 km of flow lines will be built to transport crude and associated waste water and gas from the two drilling platforms to the processing facility, 21.4 km of which will be within the park. The width of the clearing for the flow lines will be 10 meters during construction and reduced to 6 meters during operation. During construction, “small-sized” machinery will use a track of 2.4 km to construct the flow lines. The flow lines will be buried, including the crossing of the Tiputini River.

From the processing facility, a 32.5 km buried pipeline will be built, through primary rainforest north of the park, in order to transport crude to another pipeline originally constructed by Occidental Petroleum and now operated by PetroEcuador. The pipeline route will also be roadless, with helicopters used to deliver pipes to the various heliports along the route. From the second pipeline, the crude will be sent to the OCP pipeline in Lago Agrio, and then to the coast.

Total deforestation from the project will be 29 hectares (H) of primary rainforest. Much of the clearing, 16 H, will be for the processing facility. The clearing for the Nenke platform, located 18 km south of the Tiputini River, will be 3.6 H, including the 1.1 H already cleared for the exploratory well. The clearing for the Apaika platform, located 3.4 km further south from Nenke, will 4.4 H, including the 2 H already cleared for the exploratory well. Nenke will have up to 10 wells, and Apaika up to 20.

Following the presentation, Petrobras was critized by various participants for a lack of public access to information about the new project. Information was only made available in three consultation offices located deep in the rainforest, well beyond the means of most Ecuadorians and NGOs to reasonably access. The three offices were located in three indigenous communities impacted by the project (El Eden (Kichwa), Chiru Isla (Kichwa), and Kawimeno (Waorani)).

In a meeting with Petrobras the week prior to the Quito presentation, Save America´s Forests also criticized Petrobras for not consulting the Waorani leadership, ONHAE ( Organización de Nacionalidad Huaorani de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana ) and AMWAE ( Asociación de Mujeres Waorani de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana). However, Ecuador´s guidelines for consultation mandates that only impacted communities be consulted.

Petrobras plans to deliver the new studies to the Ecuadorian Environment and Energy Ministries for review in the coming weeks. The Environment Ministry has stated that it will post the studies online prior to approval.



Septiembre 2006

PETROBRAS desvela la nueva "No carretera" diseño
para la extracción de petróleo en YASUNÍÍ

EN ESPAÑOL Save America's Forests News - El 30 de agosto, en una invitación, sólo la presentación en Quito, Petrobras dio a conocer el nuevo diseño de los proyectos de extracción de petróleo dentro de una de las más partes intactas del Parque Nacional Yasuní y la Reserva de la Biosfera. Esta región es el territorio ancestral de los Huaorani y es ampliamente reconocido como la posesión de uno de los más biodiversos bosques tropicales de la Tierra.

El diseño del proyecto anterior llamado para la construcción de un camino de acceso y las instalaciones de procesamiento dentro del parque para explotar el petróleo de la Nenke y Apaika plataformas dentro del bloque 31, pero fue bloqueado en julio de 2005 por el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente de Ecuador. El Ministerio, en una intensa presión nacional e internacional, pidió a Petrobras para diseñar un nuevo proyecto roadless.

El nuevo diseño incluye dos cambios importantes. En primer lugar, se mueve la planta de procesamiento a 2 km al norte de la frontera del parque, a finales de los 12 kilometros de carreteras de acceso que Petrobras construido al norte del parque a principios de 2005. En segundo lugar, en lugar de la construcción de un camino de acceso, los helicópteros se utilizarán para tener acceso al sitio Web y facilitar la construcción y el mantenimiento de las líneas de corriente y dos plataformas. Los helicópteros se utilizarán para el transporte de todo el equipo, incluyendo tuberías de oleoductos, y de personal a uno de los cinco helipuertos en el parque (tres a lo largo de la ruta de la línea de flujo, y dos más en las dos plataformas).

Un total de 23,7 kilómetros de líneas de flujo será construido para el transporte de crudo y de las aguas residuales y gas de las dos plataformas de perforación a la planta de procesamiento, 21,4 km de los cuales será en el parque. El ancho de la limpieza de las líneas de flujo será de 10 metros durante la construcción y reducido a 6 metros durante la operación. Durante la construcción, el "pequeño tamaño" mecanismo utilizará una pista de 2,4 km hasta la construcción de líneas de flujo. Las líneas de flujo será enterrado, incluido el cruce del río Tiputini.

Desde la planta de procesamiento, un 32,5 kilometros de tuberías enterradas será construido, a través de bosque primario al norte del parque, con el fin de transportar crudo a otro oleoducto construido originalmente por Occidental Petroleum y ahora operado por PETROECUADOR. La ruta también será roadless, con helicópteros utilizados para tuberías a los distintos helipuertos a lo largo de la ruta. Desde el segundo oleoducto, el crudo se enviará a la oleoducto OCP en Lago Agrio, y luego a la costa.

Total de la deforestación del proyecto será 29 hectáreas (H) de bosque primario. Gran parte de la limpieza, 16 H, será para la planta de procesamiento. El desmonte para la Nenke plataforma, situada 18 km al sur del río Tiputini, será 3,6 H, incluidos los 1,1 H ya despejado para la exploración. El desmonte para la Apaika plataforma, situado 3,4 km más al sur de Nenke, 4,4 H, incluido el 2 H ya despejado para la exploración. Nenke tendrá un máximo de 10 pozos, y Apaika hasta el 20.

Tras la presentación, Petrobras se critized por varios participantes por la falta de acceso público a la información sobre el nuevo proyecto. La información se puso a disposición sólo de consulta en tres oficinas situadas en las profundidades de la selva, más allá de los medios de la mayoría de los ecuatorianos y de las organizaciones no gubernamentales para el acceso razonablemente. Las tres oficinas se sitúan en tres de las comunidades indígenas afectadas por el proyecto (El Eden (Kichwa), Chiru Isla (Kichwa), y Kawimeno (Waorani)).

En una reunión con Petrobras la semana anterior a la presentación Quito, Save America's Forests Petrobras también criticó por no consultar a los Waorani liderazgo, la ONHAE (Organización de Nacionalidad Huaorani de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana) y AMWAE (la Asociación de Mujeres Waorani de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana ). Sin embargo, las directrices del Ecuador para la consulta mandatos que sólo se consultó a las comunidades impactadas.

Petrobras tiene previsto entregar los nuevos estudios a los ecuatorianos Ministerios de Medio Ambiente y Energía para su revisión en las próximas semanas. El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente ha declarado que será puesto en línea los estudios antes de su aprobación.

June 16, 2006 - 16 de Junio del 2006

Yasuní Rainforest Campaign News Analysis
Análisis De las Noticias De la Campaña De Selva Tropical De Yasuní

New Oil Reality for Yasuní - NEW MAPS
Nuevo Realidad del Petróleo Para Yasuní


Eight oil concessions cover Yasuní National Park and the Waorani Ethnic Reserve. Moreover, across the border in Peru is a continuous mass of over 15 oil concessions. This “oil landscape” has changed dramatically over the past several months.

Ocho concesiones de petroleo cubren el parque nacional de Yasuní y la reserva étnica de Waorani. Por otra parte, a través de la frontera en Perú está una masa continua sobre de 15 concesiones de petroleo. Este "paisaje del petroleo " ha cambiado dramáticamente el excedente el pasado varios meses.


It has been a difficult last couple of months for the Waorani leaders, as they are now faced with three simultaneous crises. All three not only threaten the wildlands and biodiversity of Yasuní, but are also revealing that there are outside interests trying to cause divisions within the Waorani. These three threats are 1) illegal logging, 2) a dangerous new "usufruct contract" (rights to use the resources), and of course 3) oil.

The most pressing issue at the moment is illegal logging. In mid-April, the Taromenane—relatives of the Huaorani living in voluntary isolation deep in the rainforest—speared two illegal loggers working in their territory. One of the loggers, who had spears thrown through both his thorax and leg, later died. Since this event, there have been reports of a retaliatory massacre of the Taromenane by the loggers, but there is to date no verification if this really occurred. To further complicate matters, three Huaorani community leaders are reportedly receiving payoffs from the loggers and could be aiding the loggers in attempts to kill the Taromenane.

The second major threat is a so-called “contract” signed by former members of the ONWAE leadership—after they had been voted out of office—that grants an American company (EcoGenesis) the rights to exploit the riches of Waorani territory for the next 30 years. The contract includes logging rights and patent rights for any genetic discoveries. There is concern that the contract may also somehow involve oil activities, given that the President of EcoGenesis (Daniel Roscom) is president of another company (Genesis Eurasia) that focuses on development of hydrocarbon reserves in other countries. In February of 2006, the Waorani convened an Assembly and voted unanimously to denounce EcoGenesis and to repudiate the so-called EcoGenesis contract as illegal and void. The Waorani also reiterated their support for their current leaders, President Vicente Enomenga and Vice Presidente Moi Enomenga, who strongly oppose all new oil development in Yasuní.

The Attorney General of Ecuador is working to annul the EcoGenesis contract. The Waorani, Save America’s Forests and Land is Life are working with Ecuadorian lawyers at the NGO Ecolex to obtain a preliminary injunction, and to have the contract nullified.

The third problem is the constant threat from continued and expanded oil operations. There are 8 oil concessions in Yasuni National Park and the Waorani Ethnic Reserve. In April of 2006, Petrobras announced it will not be building a new road and processing facility within the park and ancestral Waorani territory.

Save America's Forests considers the defeat of the Petrobras road a partial victory. We support the Waorani call for a complete moratorium on all new oil exploration and construction in the entire Yasuní region for at least 10 years.

ACTUALIDAD - mayo 2006 - WAORANI se enfrentan con tres grandes amenaza

Ha sido una difícil últimos dos meses para la Waorani dirigentes, como lo son ahora que hacer frente a tres crisis simultáneas. Los tres no sólo amenazan la diversidad biológica de las tierras silvestres y Yasuní, pero también son reveladores de que hay intereses externos tratando de provocar divisiones dentro de los Waorani. Estas tres amenazas son 1) la extracción ilegal de madera, 2) una nueva y peligrosa "contrato de usufructo" (derechos de uso de los recursos) y, por supuesto, 3) de petróleo.

La cuestión más urgente en este momento es la extracción ilegal de madera. A mediados de abril, los Taromenane - parientes de los Huaorani viven en aislamiento voluntario en las profundidades de la selva - speared dos extractores ilegales que trabajan en su territorio. Uno de los madereros, que había arrojado lanzas a través de su tórax y pierna, falleció posteriormente. Desde este caso, ha habido informes de una matanza de represalia de los Taromenane por los madereros, pero no existe hasta la fecha ninguna de verificación si esto realmente ocurrió. Para complicar aún más el asunto, tres dirigentes de las comunidades Huaorani se informa, que reciben sobornos de los madereros y podría ayudar a los madereros a los intentos de matar a los Taromenane.

La segunda gran amenaza es el llamado "contrato" firmado por el ex miembros de la ONWAE liderazgo - después de que se hayan votado fuera de la oficina - que otorga a una empresa estadounidense (EcoGenesis) los derechos de explotación de las riquezas de Waorani territorio para la próxima 30 años. El contrato incluye la tala de derechos y los derechos de patente para cualquier descubrimientos genéticos. Existe la preocupación de que el contrato puede también de alguna manera la participación de las actividades petroleras, en vista de que el Presidente de EcoGenesis (Daniel Roscom) es el presidente de otra empresa (Génesis Eurasia), que se centra en el desarrollo de reservas de hidrocarburos en otros países. En febrero de 2006, la Waorani convocó una Asamblea y votado por unanimidad a denunciar EcoGenesis y para repudiar el llamado EcoGenesis contrato como ilegal y nulo. El Waorani también reiteraron su apoyo a sus dirigentes actuales, el Presidente Vicente Enomenga y Vice Presidente Moi Enomenga, que se oponen firmemente a todos los nuevos explotación petrolera en Yasuní.

El Fiscal General de Ecuador está trabajando para anular la EcoGenesis contrato. El Waorani, Save America's Forests y Land is Life están trabajando con abogados ecuatorianos en la ONG Ecolex de obtener un mandamiento judicial provisional, y que el contrato anulado.

El tercer problema es la constante amenaza de continuar y ampliar las actividades petroleras. Hay 8 concesiones petroleras en el Parque Nacional Yasuní y la Waorani Reserva Étnica. En abril de 2006, Petrobras anunció que no será la construcción de una nueva carretera y la instalación de procesamiento dentro del parque y ancestral Waorani territorio.

Save America's Forests considera que la derrota de la carretera Petrobras una victoria parcial. Apoyamos la Waorani llamamiento para una moratoria completa sobre todos los nuevos exploración de petróleo y de la construcción en toda la región de Yasuní, al menos, 10 años.


Congratulations to the Ecuadorian citizens, NGOs, scientists and of course the Waorani and other indigenous groups for their work in stopping the Petrobras road and protecting Yasuní National Park.

Save America’s Forests has been privileged to be a leading participant in the international campaign to stop the Petrobras road from entering Yasuní National Park. In March of 2004, Save America’s Forests Staff Ecologist Dr. Matthew Finer, together with the Ecuadorian NGO Accion por la Vida, began the campaign against the Petrobras road. They successfully pressured the Ecuadorian Environment Minsitry to reject the Environmental Impact Study and mandate analysis of roadless alternatives. In the Fall of 2004, Finer worked with Finding Species to convene a conference of Yasuní scientists in Ecuador who wrote a ground-breaking report on the threats from oil roads to the biodiversity Yasuní National Park. The scientists also wrote a letter opposing the Petrobras road. In February of 2005, Save America’s Forests wrote a letter co-signed by some of the world’s most famous scientists, including Dr. E.O. Wilson and Dr. Jane Goodall. This letter emphasized the threats of the proposed new oil road and led to a New York Times article that brought world-wide attention to the situation. The letter was presented to the Ecuadorian and Brazilian governments by delegations led by Save America’s Forests at their respective U.S. embassies, and was also presented to government officials in meetings in Ecuador. In the Spring of 2005, Save America’s Forests helped catalyze the formation of an international coalition of NGOs to stop the Petrobras road.

We believe these letters were a significnt factor in Environment Minister Anita Alban's decision to deny Petrobras permission to constuct the road into Yasuni National Park and mandate roadless developmentd.

In addition, Save America’s Forests and Land is Life worked closely during this past year with the indigenous Waorani to help them express their opposition to the Petrobras development and organize against it. The Waorani are calling for a 10 year moratorium on new oil activities on their ancestral territory.


News Stories

September 2006 -
Petrobras Unveils New "Roadless" Design For Drilling in Yasuní

September 9, 2006 -
The Intangible Zone Boundaries are Prepared
Los límites de la zona intangible están listos

El Comercio - The Intangible zone, which seeks to protect the natural diversity and villages living in voluntary isolation (Tagaeri-Taromenani), has established limits. The rough draft of the Legal protections was presented yesterday at 10:00 by the undersecretary of Capital Forestal, Alfredo Carrasco, to the leaders of the 32 Waorani Communities and to environmental organizations.
more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >

September 2, 2006 -
The Threats to Protected Areas Grow
Las amenazas para los guardaparques crecen

El Comercio - For the third time this year, those enforcing restrictions on illegal cutting experienced problems from a group of Waorani with ties to the loggers. On Wednesday, August 30, a group of park guards was attacked by Waorani from the community of Noneno. That community is led by Manuel Kahuilla, one of the Waorani that maintains agreements to log cedro wood from Yasuní National Park and the Tagaeri Taromenane Intangible Zone.
more ENGLISH translation  En Español >

September 2, 2006 -
The Indigenous Communities Demand Protection
Los pueblos indígenas demandan protección

El Comercio - The groups living in voluntary isolation in the Orellana Province are threatened by the violation their human rights and the failure to administer the laws that guarantee their subsistence. In the eye of the storm are the oil companies and loggers, groups that have helped create this storm by not respecting the habitat, the indigenous villages, and the environment.
more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >

September 1, 2006 -
The Waorani Support the Intangible Zone
La Zona Intangible tiene el apoyo waorani

El Comercio - The National Organization of the Waorani of the Ecuadorian Amazon (ONWAE) ratified the organization's endorsement of the process of establishing boundaries for the Tagaeri-Taromenane Intangible Zone, which is located in Yasuni National Park. Alicia Kahuilla, the President of Waorani women, stated that on September 8 she will meet in Francisco de Orellana (Coca) to learn the details of the proposed boundary and the Executive Decree that establishes the limits of the protected area and how this area will be administered.
more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >

August 17, 2006 -
Controlling Logging in Yasuni National Park
La tala se controla en el Parque Yasuní

El Comercio - The Cononaco and Shiripuno Rivers, in the heart of Yasuni Nacional Park, are the routes through which industrial quantities of wood are extracted from the forest. On Tuesday, Ana Alban, the Environment Minister, Jose Serrano, the Labor Minister, and Fabian Fuel, the head of operations of Napo Forest Brigade 19, took a flight over sections of the Cononaco and Shiripuno Rivers in the Intangible Zone.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

August 9, 2006 -
Twelve Logging Camps are close to the Intangible Zone
12 campamentos madereros están cerca de la Zona Intangible

El Comercio - Illegal logging to the west of the intangible zone and in Yasuni National Park is increasing. In the last few months, evidence of incursions by loggers into territory occupied by hidden or voluntarily isolated villages has been accumulating.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

August 9, 2006 -
The Life-Flight Services are Expanded
El servicio de ambulancia aérea se ampliará

El Comercio - The inhabitants of the forests of Pastaza have much difficulty taking their infirmed to the medical centers of Puyo. In March, however, agreements were made that could increase this social service. The organization Wings of Aid provides air ambulance service, but demand is increasing in the more remote communities.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

July 26, 2006 -
The Waorani seek USAID Assistance for Ecotourism Project
Los Huaorani buscan apoyo en EE.UU. para un proyecto turístico

El Comercio - The indigenous Waorani of the Ecuadorian Amazon, represented by the ONHAE organization, made a presentation at the beginning of the week to the director of the U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) in Washington. The presentation was a proposal for a project for technical assistance for ecoturismo in the provinces of Pastaza, Napo and Orellana.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

July 11, 2006 -
The Napo River Links 60 Communities in the Orellana Province
El río Napo es el nexo de 60 comunidades en Orellana

El Comercio - The river is the driving force of the life of the Kichwa Indians and the colonists that live on the shores of the Napo, in Orellana. Education, health, commerce, family life and transportation depend on the river's flows. Nevertheless, transportation is scarce and thus communication is difficult, especially for the poor.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

July 5, 2006 -
The Waorani form an Association with the Oil Companies
Los waorani forman una asociación con los petrolero

El Comercio - The problems facing the Waorani have multiplied. The acquisitions of division in their leadership have been confirmed. The director of the National Association of Waorani of the Ecuadoraian Amazon (ONWAE) is being accused of being responsible for the alleged disappearance of $94,500 that was given by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development for the construction of 189 traditional Waorani houses.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

July 5, 2006 -
The Division between the Indigenous People Grows
La división indígena es cada vez mayor

El Comercio - The leaders try to hide it, while their detractors try to demonstrate it. The certain thing is that in the past weeks the episode of division amongst the Waorani has been repeated. In the ONWAE conflict, the particular interests of the leaders are not the only interests that are present. The oil companies and NGOs are also involved. --Los dirigentes tratan de ocultarlo, sus detractores de evidenciarlo. Lo cierto es que en las últimas semanas se repite el capítulo de la división entre los waorani. En el conflicto de la Onwae no sólo están presentes los intereses particulares de los dirigentes. También intervienen petroleras y fundaciones.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

June 28, 2006 -
The Intangible Zone Boundaries are Defined
Los límites de la Zona Intangible están definidos

El Comercio - After two years of negotiations, the Intangible Zone, located in the south of the Yasuní National Park, is about to become permanent. A rough draft of the Executive Decree that would delimit the zone now exists.According to the boundaries presented, the Tagaeri Taromenane Intangible Zone will cover 758,051 hectares and it will have a wide buffer zone of ten kilometers that will surround the entire Intangible Zone. In the buffer strip, construction work such as roads, hydroelectric power stations, and oil and mineral facilities is prohibited.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

June 16 2006 -
New Oil Reality for Yasuní - NEW MAPS


May 2006 -
News Update - Three Major Threats


May 26, 2006 -
Five Agreements in the Wao Plan of Life
Cinco acuerdos en el plan de vida wao

El Comercio - Yesterday morning a delegation composed of eleven Waorani, women and children presented the Waorani Community’s Strategic Life Plan (Plan de Vida). This was the third meeting of this kind. Monday’s meeting was with the representatives of the oil companies, Tuesday’s was with delegates from the government ministries, and yesterday’s was with delegates from NGOs that work with the community.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

May 12, 2006 -
Cautionary Measures for the Taromenane
Medidas cautelares para los taromenane

El Comercio - The Interamerican Commission for Human Rights (CIDH) sent a communication to the Ecuadorian State in which it is requested that the State adopt effective measures to “protect the lives and personal integrity of the members of the Tagaeri and Taromenane communities.
more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

May 7, 2006 -
The Taromenane or the Virtual News
Los taromenane o la noticia virtual

El Comercio - If journalism had a patron saint, it would be Saint Thomas. It was he who said: see to believe. But in times of apocryphal evangelicals, Gnostics and Agnostics, the press was also given certain license to be trusted. Saturday, April 29, three national newspapers woke up us up with the following titles: ‘Violence in the Tagaeri Zone Intensifies’ (Expreso), ‘A Conflict in the Jungle Leaves Two Taromenane Dead’ (El Universo) and ‘The Intangible Zone is Tinted with Taromenane Blood’ (El Comercio).
more in ENGLISH translation       En Español >

May 4, 2006 -
The Indigenous Leaders Would Permit Illegal Logging in the Amazon
Los líderes indígenas permitirían tala ilegal en la amazonía

Hoy- The Government is continuing to investigate the alleged massacre of 30 indigenous Taromenane in the jungles to the south of Orellana, in what may have been a confrontation over the illegal exploitation of wood. Ana Albán, the Environmental Minister, yesterday affirmed in declarations to the AFP, that “when the uncontacted Tagaeri and Taromenane communities (descendants of the Waorani) attack loggers, what has happened in the past is that the Wao communities that are in contact with civilization go out hunting for those that have hurt their business.” more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >

May 3, 2006 -
Minister of Defense Denies Massacre of Indigenous

The Defense Minister, Oswaldo Jarrín, today denied that there was a slaughter of Amazonian indigenous and called rumor about this “perverse”. Jarrín stated that “we are working with representatives of (the ethnicity of) the Waorani,” who ruled out the murder, and at the time clarified that other indigenous, such as the Tagaeri and Taromenane, “are not involved in the problem.” more in ENGLISH translation      En Español >

May 3, 2006 -
The Wao Are Exposed On Too Many Fronts

The conservation of the Waorani territory and Yasuní National Park in the Amazon becomes more uncertain each day. Among the primary causes is the division of the Organization of the Waorani Nationality, in addition to the exploitation of timber and oil. Another problem is the siege of foundations that are looking to benefit from the natural resources. The absence of control on the part of the State contributes to this. In the last few months there have been three changes in the Government Council of the Organization of the Waorani Nationality (ONWAE). Armando Boya, Juan Enomenga, and Vicente Enomenga were all President. more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >

May 3, 2006 -
The Logging of Cedar is Financing War on the Taromenane

Manuel Cahuilla, also known as Huane, lives in that Wao community. He has agreements with logger for the exploitation of cedar in Taromenane territory. Cahuilla has looked for the Taromenane on various occasions, the last time being two days after the attack on April 13. He brought several spears back from the trip, which he put up for sale in Coca for $60 each. During Friday and Saturday several helicopter flyovers were made. None turned up evidence of the confrontation, but they did reaffirm the magnitude of illegal logging in the protected areas. more in ENGLISH translation
En Español >

May 2, 2006 -
The Government Has Plans for Yasuní
The Government will set rules to stop the exploitation of wood in Tigüino, Shiripuno, and in general around Yasuní National Park, in Orellana Province. more in ENGLISH translation En Español >

May 2, 2006 -
Alleged Slaughter of Indigenous Tarnishes Human Rights Mission in Ecuador
A confrontation in the Ecuadorian Amazon that left two indigenous women dead, and may have as many as 30 victims according to ecological groups other Indigenous, cast a shadow over the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur, who paradoxically was looking into the situation of the country’s indigenous. Rodolfo Stavenhagen, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, last Tuesday began an eight day visit to Ecuador to evaluate the state of human rights in the country’s communities. The visit stumbled last Saturday with reports of an alleged massacre of Indigenous in the Pastaza Province
.    more in ENGLISH translation  
En Español >

May 2 2006 -
Slaughter Continues in Mystery
The mystery is surrounding the alleged slaughter of indigenous Taromenane in the South of Orellana. Yesterday, the events were explained to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, the Mexican Roberto Stevahagen, who visited Pastaza. more in ENGLISH translation  En Español >

May 1 2006 -
The Deaths of 30 Indigenous are not Confirmed
The Governor of Orellana says that there weren’t deaths, but the President of ONWAE maintains that there was a slaughter. more in ENGLISH translation  En Español >

May 1 2006 -
A Group of the Waorani is Looking for the Tagaeri-Taromenane
Yesterday, in the streets of Orellana (Coca), the final day of the area’s celebrations happened. Groups of warriors, parades, musical groups… The celebration was alien to the conflict between indigenous groups that is happening in the neighboring forests. The authorities neither confirmed nor denied the alleged massacre of uncontacted indigenous Tagaeri-Taromenane and loggers.
more in ENGLISH translation En Español >

APRIL 30 2006 -
No Trace of the Tagaeri in the Intangible Zone
The story that six people were killed in a confrontation between loggers and ethnic Tagaeri-Taromenane, in the Cononaco Chico area ( Chiripuno River) in Yasuní ( Orellana Province), is causing controversy. Vicente Enomenga, President of the Organization of the Waorani Nationality (ONWAE), explained that three loggers and an equal number of Tagaeri were killed. The Army and the Police that on Friday arrived at the site via air and water denied this and said that they are speculations. more in ENGLISH translation En Español >

APRIL 29 2006 -
The Violence in Yasuní Increases
To the south of Yasuní Nacional Park, an unequal war is occurring. Spears against shotguns. The loggers, who log illegally in the protected area, and their Waorani associates are confronting the communities in voluntary isolation, or uncontacted communities. The loggers advance further and further into the heart of the intangible zone, where all types of extractive activities are prohibited, in search of cedar. This tree, valued for the quality of its wood, has practically disappeared from the Amazonian areas where there are roads. more in ENGLISH translation En Español >

APRIL 29 2006 -
The Government is Investigating the Deaths of 40 Indigenous

The Government will investigate an alleged massacre of Indigenous in the Amazon at the hands of armed loggers, caused by a dispute over a zone of the forest, reported today by a local member of the press. more in ENGLISH translation  En Español >

APRIL 26 2006 -
The Nashiño River is the Northern Boundary of the Tagaeri Intangible Zone
After seven years, the boundaries of the Tagaeri-Taromenane Intangible Zone (ZI) are almost ready. In an effort to protect the communities that are in voluntary isolation, all extractive activities are prohibited in this area. With this preliminary delimitation, the ZI is 710,643 Ha in size. Ana Albán, the environmental minister, emphasized that this proposal still has to be agreed upon by the involved parties. With this action, the Petrobrás, Repsol, PetroOriental (formerly Encana) and Petroecuador oil blocks are trimmed. more in ENGLISH translation  En Español >

APRIL 25 2006 -
Petrobrás Presents Modifications to its Block 31 Project
The petroleum company Petrobrás Energy of Ecuador (Petrobrás) yesterday presented the Environmental Ministry (MAE) and the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) with the modified plans for the development of the Apaika and Nenke oil fields in Block 31. more in ENGLISH translation  En Español >

APRIL 25 2006 -
Petrobras Decides Not to Build Yasuni Roadway

Amazonia.org.br - Brazilian state-run company confirms a change of plans for oil exploration in national park in Ecuador. Amazonia.org.br - Brazilian state-run company confirms a change of plans for oil exploration in national park in Ecuador. more in ENGLISH  

APRIL 24 2006 -
Petrobras Abandons Plans for Oil Road in Ecuadorian Amazon Park (YASUNÍ)

WASHINGTON, DC, April 24, 2006 (ENS) - The Brazilian national oil company Petrobras has relinquished plans to build a new access road into Yasuni National Park, located in the megadiverse Ecuadorian Amazon. The company has not given up on oil development within the park, but now says it will employ helicopters to access the site. more in ENGLISH  

APRIL 22 2006 -
Three Waorani Families Live Off Logging in the Forests of Orellana
While the Waorani leadership condemns illegal logging, the Wao communities that live close to Yasuní National Park (PNY) and the Intangible Zone cut the forests on a large scale. Three families from Pindo, Ñoneno and Tiguino are beneficiaries of this illegal activity. This is according to a report written by the Yasuní National Park authorities. The names of the involved are: Iqui Ima; Bave Ima; Manuel Kaiwa; Mingui Agua and Iteca. They have agreements with loggers to extract cedar in this zone. Additionally, they provide protection adn accomodations to the Ecuadorian and Columbian workers employed to log. more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

APRIL 20 2006 -
Illegal Logging, a Chronic Problem in Yasuní
“It was the first time that we went to log in that zone, we didn’t know that someone had died in August.” Along with Moreira, sixteen other people entered the forest on March 17 to log the forest in groups of three. “We made trips of 15 or 10 days, and depending upon the number of boards that we could make with the saw, we could earn up to $25 a day.” more in ENGLISH translation  En Espanól >>

APRIL 19 2006 -
The Wao Warn Loggers
The loggers that intend to enter in Waorani territory are warned. They will be speared or detained by the communities of the Nationality.Vicente Enomenga, president of the Governing Council of the Organization of the Waorani Nationality (ONWAE), recorded the prohibition. No logger can enter in the 700,000 Ha of Wao territory. However, the head of ONWAE clarified that it was not the Waorani who attacked the loggers last Thursday. It was the Taromenane, an uncontacted community, that separated from the Wao and live in virgin jungle. more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

APRIL 14 2006 -
Two Loggers Injured by Spears in Orellana
Gilder Moreira and William Angulo entered the Francisco de Orellana Hospital Emergency Room at 11:30 yesterday, after having supposedly been attacked by indigenous Waorani. The victims showed bodily wounds caused by indigenous spears. Because of the seriousness of William Angulo’s case, he was transferred to The Eugenio Espejo Hospital of Quito, in an Alas de Socorro Foundation airplane. more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

APRIL 6 2006 -
The Division of the Waorani Worsens

The handing over of the usufruct rights of 613,000 hectares of Waorani territory to a foreign organization is evidence of the division of this indigenous nationality. Usufruct is the right to use from afar, in this case, of the natural resources of the Waorani's territory. more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

APRIL 3, 2006
Persecuting the Waorani Leaders

On Saturday April 1, the police illegally broke up the local Waorani women’s organization and tried to detain the president of ONHAE, Vicente Nenkamo. This action has been promoted by a lawyer by the name of Kléber Casco as part of the maneuverings dictated by the Ecuadorian Sustainable Development Fund (FED), which is no more than a façade for the large environmental corporations.
more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>MARCH 7, 2006
We defend the lives and territories of the Waorani Nationality

The Waorani communities, along with their leaders, met in the city of Tena on March 5, and have resolved to firmly endorse their government agreement presided over by their companions Vicente Enomenga and Moi Enomenga, president and vice-president respectively. more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>
MARCH 2006 -
An assembly of the Organization of the Waorani Nationality of the Ecuadorian Amazonía (ONWAE) resolved not to honor the contract signed by ex-president, Armando Boya, with the NGO Ecuadorian Sustainable Development Fund (FED). According to the public usufruct agreement, ONWAE gave usufruct rights of 793,000 hectares of their territory to American citizen Daniel Roscom. more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>MARCH

2006 -
Environment Minister Won't Allow Petrobras To Build Oil Access Road Into Yasuni National Park

The latest reports coming out of Ecuador indicate that Petrobras, the Brazilian National Oil Company, continues to be stymied by the Environment Minister from building an oil access road into Yasuni National Park. This news is a tremendous boost to an international coalition of environmental groups and scientists from all over the world who have been working for over a year to stop the Petrobras road. more in ENGLISH translation   En
Español >>

February 6, 2006 - 6 de febrero del 2006
The Huaorani protest for their land

Los Huaorani Protestan por Sus Tierras

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Quito - The Minister of Economy and Finance awaits the arrival of a mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this coming 22 nd of August, according to the vice-minister of Finance, Magdalena Barreiro. The objective of this visit is to revise the economic planning of the current government for 2006. In this form the changes that were made by Congress to the Fiscal Transparency Law should already be included. These authorized the creation of a special and autonomous account where the profits from the export of oil would go... To obtain the approval of the IMF, the Ministry of the Economy has to present proposals of reform for the restructuring of the central bank and of Petroecuador. In the first case they will speak of a reduction of personal. In the second, they will work with the Brazilian oil company Petrobras to finalize the concept.. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

February 2, 2006 - 2 de febrero del 2006
Petrobrás Modifies The Project In Yasuní

Petrobras modificó el proyecto en el Yasuní

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Quito - The Minister of Economy and Finance awaits the arrival of a mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this coming 22 nd of August, according to the vice-minister of Finance, Magdalena Barreiro. The objective of this visit is to revise the economic planning of the current government for 2006. In this form the changes that were made by Congress to the Fiscal Transparency Law should already be included. These authorized the creation of a special and autonomous account where the profits from the export of oil would go... To obtain the approval of the IMF, the Ministry of the Economy has to present proposals of reform for the restructuring of the central bank and of Petroecuador. In the first case they will speak of a reduction of personal. In the second, they will work with the Brazilian oil company Petrobras to finalize the concept.. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

January 29 , 2006 - 29 de enero del 2006
The Petrobrás License Causes Irregularities

La licencia de Petrobras genera inconformidad

El Comercio -Ecuador-

The work of Petrobras in the Amazon is criticized by the Anticorruption Commission. In their report from the 26th of this month, the members of the organism maintain that the company violated several norms of the Environmental Legislation of the country. Specifically, Anticorruption says that "in spite of the disposition of the Environmental Management Plan that prohibits the fluvial transport in the Tiputini River, the oil company entered without authorization a boat with heavy machinery (a backhoe, a fuel tractor, tanks and tables for construction)". >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

January 11, 2006 - 11 de enero del 2006
The Wise Huaorani, In Favor Of The Forest

Los sabios huao, a favor de la selva

El Comercio -Ecuador-

The Huaorani decided to take control of their ancestral territory. In an assembly realized in the community of Nemopari it was resolved to stop the exploitation of natural resources. The Huaorani meeting was attended by 60 wise elders. According to the president of the Huaorani, Vicente Enomenga, the elders recommended to the Huaorani governing council the care of the environment and its life. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

January 10 , 2006 - 10 de enero del 2006
The Environmental License To Drill In Yasuní In The Making
La licencia ambiental del Yasuní en ciernes
El Comercio
While Brazilian oil expands in the world, in Ecuador it does not manage to consolidate its project to extract crude oil in Yasuni National Park, one of the most biodiverse zones on the planet. he concept. The Commission of Civic Control of Corruption (CCCC) analyzed the case of Petrobras in Yasuní. December 1, the Plenary session of this organization approved a report on the presumed irregularities to the granted environmental license to Petrobras in Block 31. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

January 4, 2006
Oil and Gas Zones Cover One-Quarter of the Peruvian Amazon

WASHINGTON, DC, January 4, 2006 (ENS) - The Peruvian Amazon, a region that still holds some of the most pristine biodiverse rainforests on Earth, is facing an unprecedented wave of new oil and gas exploration.
>>Read More, News Articles, Information in ENGLISH

4 de Enero del 2006
Zonas de crudo y gas cubren un cuarto de la amazonía peruana

La amazonía peruana, una region que todavía tiene bosques tropicales con mucha biodiversidad, está confrontando una nueva época de exploración de gas y crudo.
>>>Leer más, artículos de las noticias, información, en Espanol.




December 2, 2005
Huao Demand Actions to Stop Logging in Yasuní
Los huao exigen acciones para frenar la tala en el Yasuní

The Huaorani press the authorities so that they make controls within the Yasuní National Park. The passage of the wood is one of the problems of this forest reserve. Their 982,000 hectares are located in the Huaorani territory in Napo and Pastaza. In addition, it is part of the intangible zone of Tagaeri and Taromenane. According to Huao, the hydrocarburífera exploitation goes of the hand with the disappearance of the forests and, with it the affect is direct to the groups of natives who have not had contact with the western culture. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

November 30 , 2005
Small Huaorani Plane for Emergencias
Una avioneta huaorani para las emergencias
El Comercio -Ecuador-

La fuerte tormenta, acompañada de rayos y truenos, que cayó la víspera no fue impedimento para que los huaorani que habitan en Pastaza llegaran a Shell. Tras la tempestad llegó la calma y con ella el esperado día. El viernes, en un hangar del aeropuerto de Shell,  la avioneta Cessna 182, con capacidad para tres pasajeros y 500 kilogramos  de carga, esperaba un vuelo de prueba. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

November 16 , 2005
An Agreement to Stop the Cutting in Yasuní

Un acuerdo para parar la tala en el Yasuní

El Comercio -Ecuador-
La tala del bosque del Parque Nacional Yasuní avanza sin control. En menos de 15 días, siete camiones cargados con más de 1 200 tablones de madera de cedro fueron detenidos por la Policía, en Francisco de Orellana. El destino final de la mercadería era el Carchi y luego  Colombia. Según las autoridades policiales, 15 grupos de madereros colombianos y ecuatorianos, sin autorización, depredaban los recursos del Parque en las zonas de Tigüino y los ríos Cononaco y Chiripuno, en  territorio huaorani. También, en Pindo por el río Tiputini, cerca a la estación científica . >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

October 31 , 2005
Five NGOs Increase Pressure on Petrobras
Cinco ONG aumentan el cerco a Petrobras

El Comercio -Ecuador-
Oil Block 31, which is within the Yasuní National Park, is in the middle of a debate that has many facets, including legal and administrative. In spite of the official silence from the Brazilian state oil company, the lawsuit, presented on the 16 of October, advances. The NGOs Nature Foundation, Ornithological Corporation of Ecuador, the Environment Foundation and Society, the EcoScience Foundation, and the Corporation of Management and Environmental Rights (Ecolex) requested that the environmental license granted by the Ministry of the Environment on August 19, 2004 be canceled. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

October 20 , 2005
Forest Conservation Training Summons 40 Leaders
La capacitación sobre conservación de la selva convoca a 40 dirigentes

El Comercio -Ecuador-
Forty leaders and teachers of the ethnic groups kichwa, huaorani, siona, sequoia and shuar of Sucumbíos, Napo and Orellana participate in the workshop on ethnobotany. The project seeks to direct the inhabitants of the communities to the recovery of their culture, ancestral knowledge and sustainable management of their resources, avoiding the destruction of the habitat where they live. According to the technicians of the seminary, the goal is that the indigenous leaders transmit the knowledge to the members of their organization to restrain the uncontrolled cutting of the forests, the destruction of the flora, fauna and the loss of its cultural ancestors and the traditions by the interference of the oil companies. Also, the implantation of agroindustrial farms and processes of lumber and oil operation.>>>more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

October 17 , 2005
Ecuador 's Oil Squeeze
El apretón en el petróleo de Ecuador
Red Nova -Ecuador- Oil companies are having a rough time in Ecuador, whether from the government or the local citizenry. Indeed, according to Ecuadorean President Alfredo Palacio, it's high time for the companies to renegotiate their contracts. He told Ecuadorean TV that it is "unfair" for oil companies to keep 80% of their earnings, especially now that crude oil prices are close to $70/bbl. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >

October 11 , 2005
New Huaorani Leaders Examine Old Oil Contracts
El Comercio -Ecuador-

Puyo - Yesterday a new governing council of the Organization of the Huaorani Nationality of the Ecuadorian Amazon (ONHAE) took office. This happened in Puyo, after the Ministry of Social Well-Being recognized the new leaders that were elected last August during the assembly in the community of Tiwino. One of the first nnouncements of Vicente Enomenga was that he would thoroughly study the agreements with oil companies Repsol. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

October 10 , 2005
Petrobras Road Construction Stopped By Ecuador Environment Minister in July, Still Halted in October

On July 7, 2005, the Ecuadorian Environment Ministry sent a letter to Petrobras informing them that they were not authorized to initiate activities within Yasuni National Park. Three months later, that ban still stands.   >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

October 10 , 2005
Huaorani Elect New Anti-Oil Officer to ONHAE, the Huaorani Government

On August 27, 2005, over 250 Huaorani—representing 30 of the 34 Huaorani communities—gathered in the Huaorani community of Tiguino for an extraordinary assembly. In Huaorani culture, the assembly is the most powerful decision making body and the only means to dispose of and elect new leaders. During the assembly, the Huaorani decided to dismiss the seven members of ONHAE—the Huaorani leadership body—and have new elections. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

September 27, 2005
Interview of the Minister of the Environment Anita Albán
Anita Albán is interviewed by the National Congress' Commission of Indigenous Issues about Yasuní National Park, the organization of the Waorani and the role that the government is playing in the relationship between the Waorani and oil companies. >>more in English >>> En Español

September 8, 2005
Ecuador Stops Petrobras's Oil Road Into Biodiversity Treasure

Environmental News Service
QUITO, Ecuador, September 8, 2005 (ENS) - Under heavy pressure from conservation groups and the indigenous Huaorani, the Ecuadorian Environment Ministry has temporarily stopped the Brazilian national oil company Petrobras from building an access road into Yasuni National Park and Biosphere Reserve, located in the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon.
>>>Read More, News Articles, Information in ENGLISH

8 de Septiembre del 2005
Ecuador para la carretera Petrobras de acceso petrolero en un tesoro de biodiversidad

Environmental News Service
Quito, Ecuador (ENS) - Debido a la presión grande desde grupos de conservación y desde el pueblo indígena Huaorani, el Ministerio del Ambiente de Ecuador ha prohibido temporalmente a la compañía petrolera brazileña Petrobras construir una carretera de acceso en el Parque Nacional Yasuní y la Reserva de la Biosfera, en el fondo de la Amazonia ecuatoriana.
>>>Leer más, artículos de las noticias, información, en Espanol.

July 19 , 2005
A New IMF Group Will Visit Ecuador in August

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Quito - The Minister of Economy and Finance awaits the arrival of a mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this coming 22 nd of August, according to the vice-minister of Finance, Magdalena Barreiro. The objective of this visit is to revise the economic planning of the current government for 2006. In this form the changes that were made by Congress to the Fiscal Transparency Law should already be included. These authorized the creation of a special and autonomous account where the profits from the export of oil would go... To obtain the approval of the IMF, the Ministry of the Economy has to present proposals of reform for the restructuring of the central bank and of Petroecuador. In the first case they will speak of a reduction of personal. In the second, they will work with the Brazilian oil company Petrobras to finalize the concept.. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 17 , 2005
Petrobras Proposes New Plan

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Quito EFE Today, the petroleum company of Brazil, Petrobras, which has been questioned by the indigenous Huaorani for their operation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, presented the plan for the development of a strategic long-term plan to benefit the indigenous community The proposal, announced in a public communication in the press, is directing the organization of the indigenous Huaoranis, to the government of Ecuador and all of the oil companies that maintain relations with the Huaorani people. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 17 , 2005
Historical Contradiction Revived With Huao Presence

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Quito Edition The conservation of Yasuni National Park has entered the debate once again. But this time the conflict is accompanied by the breakage of the relations between the Huaorani nation and the Brazilian oil company, Petrobras. At stake are 680,000 hectares, that comprise this protected area and that are declared a biosphere reserve.>>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 2005
Series of Dow Jones Articles The Week of the Huaorani March in Quito

Dow Jones Newswire - Ecuador To Study Potential Petrobras Impact On National Park
QUITO (Dow Jones)--Ecuador's government has decided to form a special commission to analyze any possible negative impacts should Petroleo Braseilero SA (PBR) develop hydrocarbon reserves in block 31,
located partially in the Yasuni national park.>>> more in ENGLISH     En Español >>

July 14 , 2005
Ecuador Indians Deny Kidnapping Threat

UPI - Ecuador -

Organizers of an indigenous people's march on the Ecuadorian capital deny reports the Huaorani Indians threatened to kidnap oil workers. Ecuadorian news sources reported the Huaorani Indians threatened to occupy oil fields and kidnap employees of Brazilian state-owned company Petrobras during a protest against plans to drill for oil in the Amazon forest. "This is not true," Brian Keane, an organizer of the Huaorani march on Quito, told United Press International Thursday.>>> more in ENGLISH     En Español >>

July 14 , 2005
Huaorani, Amazon, Oil

The Nation -

The Nation - Daphne Eviatar -July14-Close to 100 Huaorani occupied the Plaza Grande around noon yesterday with the intent of petitioning the Government for more than a system of highway administration for the people of the Amazon, for actions to remediate the environmental impact that oil exploitation produces. >>> more in ENGLISH   En Español >>

July 14 , 2005
Huaorani People Make Their Voice Heard

La Hora - Ecuador -

LaHora-July14-Close to 100 Huaorani occupied the Plaza Grande around noon yesterday with the intent of petitioning the Government for more than a system of highway administration for the people of the Amazon, for actions to remediate the environmental impact that oil exploitation produces. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 14 , 2005
Amazon Tribe Demands Moratorium on Oil Development in Yasuní

La tribu de Amazona exige moratoria del petróleo en el parque nacional de Yasuní
ENS - Ecuador
QUITO , Ecuador , July 14, 2005 (ENS) - The government of Ecuador has created a commission to investigate the impact of imminent oil development on the territory of Ecuador's indigenous Huaorani people. The commission was established Tuesday after some 150 Huaorani came to Quito and issued a formal demand to stop roadbuilding and oil development in Yasuni National Park.>>> more in ENGLISH translation    En Español >>

July 14 , 2005
Interview With Oil Representative

El Comercio -Ecuador-

There is a grave problem of the surrender of the accounts”
Interview: Rene Ortiz – President of the Hydrocarbon Industry Associationa
The Huaorani nation is asking that Petrobras leave its territory. They want a moratorium on petroleum activity in the Amazon. Is this a threat to the petroleum companies?.>>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 14 , 2005
Government To Analyze Impacts On Yasuni

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Indigenous people of the Huaorani communities packed their bags yesterday to return to the Amazon after the marches they held in Quito to renounce the presence of the oil company Petrobras in their territory. Meanwhile, the Government, after a meeting with the communities on Tuesday morning, announced that it will form a commission to study the complaints of the indigenous Amazonian people about the negative effects of oil exploitation on the part of Petrobras.>>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 13 , 2005
Natives Ask Lula to Remove Petrobras From Yasuni Park

Servindi -Ecuador-

After marches, manifestations and letters given in Quito. The natives huaoranis of the Ecuadorian Amazonía today asked the president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, that retires to the state Petrobras of the National Park Yasuní, one of the more important natural reserves of South America. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 13 , 2005
Commission to Attend to Demands of Indigenous

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Today the government of Ecuador created a commission to inspect the possible negative effects of the oil exploration in the part of the Amazon that is inhabited by indigenous Huaoranis, that oppose this activity in their territory. The minister of the Interior, Mauricio Gandara, met today with the leaders of the Huaorani tribe, who arrived last weekend in the capital of the country to demand the immediate revocation of the contract signed by Ecuador with the Brazilian oil company Petrobras. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 13 , 2005
"We Will Not Allow Them To Construct Roads In Yasuni Park"

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Moi Enomenga, leader of the Quehouenomo, one of the communities of the Huaorani people, did not leave out even one detail of the marched organized by his village in Quito. Since 9am, close to 150 Huaorani have been gathered in El Arbolito Park, to the north, to try to impede the activities of the oil company Petrobras inside their territory, which is considered a protected area. For this, Moi encouraged his partners, men and women who received instructions in the “Huao” language about the necessity of conserving their territory from the oil companies. Dressed in his outfit composed of a ring of feathers, necklaces, and his spear, he was speaking with his people and at the same time he was on his cellular phone giving instructions. “We are going to make one voice,” he explained while Carlota Toca, of the Toñanpay community organized the women. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 13 , 2005
Huaorani Protest in Ecuador's Congress

El Universo -Ecuador-

The delegation of the Amazonian ethnic group were received in Carondelet by the Minister of the Government. The Haoranis march in defense of the jungle. Dabo had tired arms and feet. The old Huaorani walked for three days and three nights in the jungle from their homes in the Curaray river to take a bus to Quito. And in the city they continued walking, under a yellow sun, to the north of the Arbolito park and then to Congress, in a march that in which the Huaorani will make known that they do not want more oil exploitation in their territory. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 12 , 2005
Government Talks With Oil Companies, Huaorani Oppose Oil Development

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Orellana and Sucumbios Do Not Manage Discussion About The Oil Policy. A tense environment predominated in the project meeting that the representatives of the Biprovincial Assembly of Orellana and Sucumbios held yesterday with the representatives of the oil companies that operate in the provinces and with the Government authorities, in the Francisco de Orellana center... Now the objective is to discuss the oil policy. He insisted on that the lapse of the contract with the American oil company Occidental and the Canadian EnCana, on the nullification of contracts for the Tarapoa and Palo Azul Blocks, and the general renegotiation of oil contracts. Park. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

Summer 2005 - Petrobras Road Halted by Government July 2005 -
Photos From the Huaorani Protest in Quito
July 12-14 , 2005 -150 Huaorani march and rally in Quito to protest against Petrobras and other oil companies. See a series of photos from the demonstration in Quito.

>>> Click Here for More Photos, Full Size
Photos of Petrobras Road Being Built in 2005 - Outside of Yasuni National Park -
SPRING 2005 - Photos of Petrobras road being constructed as it nears Yasuni National Park.
>>> Click Here for More Photos, Full Size  
Important Huaorani Documents
July 12 , 2005
Huaorani Letter to President of Ecuador
Carte del Pueblo Huaorani
Letter presented by the government of Ecuador at official meeting during week of protests in Quito. The letter stated why the Huaorani are opposed to further oil development on their territory, and a list of demands. The list includes a demand for a 10 year moratorium on oil development in their ancestral rainforest of Yasuni, and is signed by many leaders of the Huaorani nation. >>> Read the letter in ENGLISH translation   Carte del Pueblo Huaorani En Español >>

July 12 , 2005
Huaorani March in Against Petrobras In Quito

El Universo -Ecuador-

The Indigenous people demand a ten year moratorium on oil exploration from the government. The song of the Huaorani women thundered yesterday in the head office of the Confederation of Indigenous Nations of Ecuador (CONAIE), in Quito. Children, old people, and middle-aged women, leaders of this nation, celebrated the order of the Organization of the Huaorani Nation of Ecuador (ONHAE), issued to the oil company Petrobras demanding that it cease to operate in Yasuni National Park. >>> more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 12 , 2005
Huaorani Protest Against Petrobras In Quito

El Comercio -Ecuador-

Major article about major protest by Huaroni in Quito against the Petrobras Oil Company-
The Yasuni National Park has a last hope that oil activities will not happen in its territory. The Huaorani nation will not permit Petrobras, which has settled in Block 31, to conduct oil activities in the protected zone.>>more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 11 , 2005
Indigenous Will Protest Against Petrobras
El Comercio -Ecuador-

120 Indigenous Huaorani, that live in Orellana, will have a march for the leadership of the republic this Tuesday in Quito, to protest against the Brazilian oil company Petrobras, informed a spokesperson on Sunday. José Luis Bedón, spokesperson for the National Confederation of Indigenous People of Ecuador (CONAIE), indicated to the AFP that the natives have planned on coming this Sunday to the Ecuadorian capital, where they will have a dialogue with the president of Petrobras, Luis Macas, on Monday.
The Yasuni National Park has a last hope that oil acti.>>more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 10 , 2005
Indigenous People Announce Protests Against Oil Companies

El Comercio -Ecuador-
120 members of the Huaorani indigenous community of the Ecuadorian Amazon plan to arrive tomorrow to the capital of the country to protest against the expansion of the petroleum frontier into their territories. Next Monday, the indigenous people, supported by other human rights groups and environmentalists, will hold a demonstration in the streets of the capital up to the president’s house in the center of historic Quito. Alexandra Almeida, of Accion Ecologica, explained today that the protest is intended “to make the executive aware” of the effort to annul the concessionary rights of various oil companies to exploit crude in the territory of the Huaoranis. >>more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 6 , 2005
U.S. Congress Representatives Criticize IMF Policies Which Harm Huaorani, Yasun
Two Members of the U.S. Congress, Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Representative Jim Leach (R-IA) today sent a letter to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury in which they criticized the IMF and the World Bank for promoting environmentally destructive oil construction projects in the world's rainforests. The letter also lays responsibility for harming indigenous people in Yasuní and other rainforests on IMF and World Bank policies, and points out that these policies contradict these agencies' own stated aims of environmental protection and respect for indigenous rights. The letter asks that the Petrobras road be stopped, and that the Huaorani be listened to in their opposition to the Petrobras project. >>READ THE CONGRESSIONAL LETTER (pdf file)  

July 4 , 2005
El Comercio -Ecuador-
Kichwas Are Opposed to the Actions of Petrobras

Los Kichwas Estan En Contra De La Accion De Petrobras

July 1, 2005 (El Comercio online) -The Quichuas of Orellana support the actions that the Huaoranis began to impede Petrobras operations in Block 31, located in Yasuni National Park. Nicolas Yumbo, president of the Federation of United Native Communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (FCUNAE), questioned that petrobras is not in compliance with the environmental studies and that they do not have adequate communication with the community. >>more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

July 1 , 2005
El Comercio -Ecuador-
Huaorani Break Agreements with Petrobras
July 1, 2005 (El Comercio online) -The Governing Council of the Huaorani People of the Ecuadorian Amazon (ONHAE) will prevent the Brazilian company Petrobras from entering Yasuní National Park. In this protected area, the start of oil activities in Block 31 is foreseen. Ramón Huani, coordinator for ONHAE, said that this indigenous nation decided to break all ties of friendship with the company, as soon as it disavowed a contract signed between the previous director of the organization and Petrobras.
>>more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >>

June 3, 2005
El Comercio -Ecuador-
The License for Petrobras in Yasuni Park will be Audited

June 3, 2005 (El Comercio online) - The first official reactions regarding the controversial delivery of the environmental license of Petrobras have begun. Yesterday, Ana Alban, minister of the Environment, announced, in a concise press bulletin, that she would audit the environmental permit authorizing the oil companies in Block 31, which is in the territory of Yasuni National Park.
>>more in ENGLISH translation   En Español >> 

May 28 , 2005
Oil and Gas Blocks Cover 75 Percent of the Peruvian Amazon
Environmental News Service

LIMA, Peru, May 28, 2008 (ENS) - The Peruvian Amazon, a region that holds some of the most pristine and biodiverse rainforests on Earth, continues to face an unprecedented wave of new oil and gas exploration.Peru recently released eight new Amazon oil blocks as part of its 2008 bidding round. According to analysis by Save America's Forests, that brings the total to 64 oil and gas blocks in Peru's vast Amazon region.
>>>more in ENGLISH

28 de Mayo del, 2005
Bloques de crudo y gas cubren 75 porciento de la amazonia peruana
Environmental News Service

Lima, Peru (ENS) - La amazonia peruana, una región que tiene unos de los bosques tropicales más pristinos del mundo, sigue experimentando mucha exploración por gas y crudo. Recientemente, Perú liberó ocho bloques de la amazonia como parte de la subasta del 2008. Según análisis hecho por Save America's Forests, hay 64 bloques de crudo y gas en la amazonia de Perú.
>>>Mas En Español

May 26, 2005
La Hora -Ecuador-
Huaorani Leaders in DC Ask Congress, IMF to Halt Oil Development in Amazon

WASHINGTON, AFP (Agence France Press) May 26, 2005 (La Hora online) -This week, representatives from the indigenous Huaorani community made an appeal to members of the U.S. Congress, and officials of the IMF and UN for a moratorium on oil extraction in the Ecuadorian Amazon, particularly in Yasuni National Park, which has the greatest biodiversity on the planet.With their crowns of colored feathers, and noisy necklaces of large seeds, the indigenous people, Alicia Cahuiya, 32, and Moi Enomenga, 38, visited Washington, DC and New York City this week to try to find a solution to the deforestation and contamination which threatens their ancestral lands. >>more in ENGLISH translation   IN SPANISH WITH PICTURE>> 

May 24 2005 U.S. Representative Jim Leach (R-IA) meets Waorani Leaders Alicia Cahuiya and Moi Enomenga in his Capitol Hill office in DC. Leach joins with Rep. Carolyn Maloney in working to help protect Yasuni rainforest, ancestral home to the Huaorani people for centuries. Save America's Forests arranged the meeting, and the meeting with Representative, both long-time champions of forests and human rights. From left to right, Margot Bass, Director, Finding Species, Dr. Matthew Finer, Staff Ecologist Save America's Forests, Alicia Cahuiya, President of Waorani Women's Organization (AMWAE), Representative Jim Leach (R-IA) Moi Enomenga, former vice-President of Waorani, Carl Ross, Director, Save America's Forests.
(Photo courtesy office of Rep. Jim Leach)

May 25, 2005
El Comercio -Ecuador-
Huaorani Leaders in DC Ask Congress, IMF to Halt Oil Development in Amazon

WASHINGTON, AP May 25, 2005 (El Comercio online) -Two leaders of the native Huaorani community of Ecuador are in Washington, DC asking for a halt of Amazonian petroleum operations in the country, stating that these operations threaten to destroy their ancestral lands, according to finding species which is helping the Huaorani with management. Alicia Cahuiya, president of the Assocation of Huaorani Women of the Ecuadorian Amazon, and Moi Enomenga, the ex-vice-president of the Huaorani council, specifically mentioned the necessity of stopping the work on the road being built by the Brazilian company Petrobras.
>>more in ENGLISH translation   En Espanol >> 

MAY 2005
May 4
, 2005-U.S. Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) meets in DC with Waorani (Huaorani) leaders Moi Enomenga and Alicia Cahuiya. She pledged to help them protect their Yasuni Rainforest home in Ecuador. Moi was featured in the best-selling book of a decade ago, "Savages", about the fight to protect Yasuni from oil development. Alicia is the President of the newly formed Waorani women's group, AMWAE--see below.

May 17, 2005
Indigenous Huaorani Seek Oil Moratorium On Their Amazon Lands

WASHINGTON, DC, May 17, 2005 (ENS) - Members of the South American indigenous group, the Huaorani, are calling for a moratorium on all oil activities in their ancestral Amazonian lands in northeast Ecuador.
>>>Read More, News Articles, Information in ENGLISH

17 de Mayo del 2005
Los indígenas waorani buscan una moratoria de crudo en sus tierras amazónicas

Washington, DC (ENS) - Los miembros de un grupo indígena sudamericano, los Waorani, pidan una moratoria en todas las actividades de petroleo en sus tierras amazónicas ancestrales, en el noreste de Ecuador.
>>>Leer más, artículos de las noticias, información, en Espanol.

March 28, 2005
Ecuadorian Government Issues Permit for Petrobras to Build Oil Road Through Yasuni National Park, Cut Down Primary Rainforest on Indigenous Land
March 28, 2005 (ENS) >>more

March 24, 2005
See the Actual Permits Issued to Petrobras by the Ecuadorian Environment Ministrey
Document 1 

Document 2

Feb. 18, 2005
World's top biologists say new oil road threatens one of world's richest rainforests
The renowned Yasuni National Park and Biosphere Reserve, located in the heart the Ecuadorian Amazon, is seriously threatened by a proposed new oil road, according to two letters from top biologists released today. The letters address an unfolding situation in which the Brazilian national oil company Petrobras is preparing to build a new access road into the heart of the Park to access several drilling platforms. >>more

Feb. 17, 2005
Biologists Oppose Road Planned by Oil Company in Ecuador Park
NEW YORK TIMES - Andrew C. Revkin
Some of the world's leading tropical biologists are calling for a halt to oil company road-building projects in and around Yasuní National Park in Ecuador, an Amazon tract harboring an extraordinary array of plant species and rare wildlife >>more in English        En Espanol >> 

Feb. 16, 2005
Clandestine Oil Road Near Yasuní Park Found By Satellite
WASHINGTON, DC, February 16, 2005 (ENS) - A new wave of oil exploration and development now encroaching on one of the planet's great reservoirs of biodiversity - Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park - has scientists in Ecuador and the United States worried. An oil access road built by the Occidental Petroleum Corporation in the park's buffer zone has just been discovered by viewing satellite images. The Occidental road was built through primary rainforest, on the lands of an indigenous community. >>more     

Feb. 16, 2005
Carretera clandestina de petróleo encontrada cerca de Yasuní por satélite
Washington, DC, 16 de febrero, 2005 (ENS) - Una nueva época de exploración y desarrollo de crudo que ahora pose una amenaza a un lugar con mucha biodiversidad - el parque nacional Yasuní - ha preocupado a los científicos en el Ecuador y los Estados Unidos. >>Leer mas  En Espanol >>

Feb. 15, 2005
Save America's Forests Press Release about scientist letters and oil development threatening Yasuni Park and World Biosphere Reserve. >>more




December 1 , 2004
Rainforest Scientists Oppose New Oil Road in Ecuadorian Amazon
Environmental News Service -YASUNI NATIONAL PARK, Ecuador, December 1, 2004 (ENS) - Fifty international rainforest scientists declared their strong opposition to the construction of a new oil road into Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park in a letter and report submitted this week to Ecuadorian President Lucio Gutiérrez. The scientists fear that penetration of the road into pristine forest areas will lead to species extinctions. >>more

1 de diciembre, 2004
Científicos del bosque tropical son opuestos a la nueva carretera en la amazonía
Environmental News Service -Parque nacional Yasuní, Ecuador, 1 de diciembre, 2004 (ENS) - Cincuenta científicos del bosque tropical declaron su oposición a la construcción de una nueva carretera en el parque nacional Yasuní del Ecuador en una carta que le enviaron al presidente ecuadoriano Lucio Gutiérrez. Los científicos temen que la carretera va a causar extinciones de especies. >>> Leer más, artículos de las noticias, información, en Espanol.

September 27, 2004
Interview of the Minister of the Environment Anita Alban

Question: What measures have been adopted to protect Yasuní National Park?.
>>>Read More, News Articles, Information in ENGLISH

27 de Septiembre del 2004
Entrevista con la Ministra del Medio Ambiente “Anita Albán” por parte de la Comisión de asuntos Indígenas del Congreso Nacional

Pregunta: ¿Que medidas se han adoptado para proteger el Parque Nacional Yasuní?>>>
Leer más, artículos de las noticias, información, en Espanol.

September 23, 2004

INSIGHTS: Ecuador's Largest National Park Opened for Oil Development
QUITO, Ecuador, September 23, 2004 (ENS) - Controversy is raging over oil development activities slated for Ecuador's largest national park - Yasuní National Park, which protects one of the world's most megadiverse regions. Jaguars, harpy eagles, caimans and 13 primate species live in this lowland rainforest, the ecological treasure of the western Amazon basin. >>more

23 de Septiembre, 2004
Se abre el parque nacional más grande de Ecuador para el desarrollo petrolero
Quito, Ecuador (ENS) - La controversía está rugiendo sobre actividades de desarrollo petrolero en el parque nacional más grande de Ecuador: el Parque Nacional Yasuní, que protega una de las regiones más diversas del mundo. Jaguares, águilas harpías, caimanes, y 13 especies de primates viven en este bosque tropical de las tierras bajas, el tesoro ecológico de la Cuenca Amazónica Occidental.>>>
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April 28, 2004
INSIGHTS: Oil Companies Poised to Penetrate Ecuadorian Amazon
Environmental News Service - YASUNI NATIONAL PARK, Ecuador, April 28, 2004 (ENS) - The Brazilian national oil company PetroBras is now finalizing plans to build a 45 kilometer (28 mile) access road into the heart of the ultradiverse Yasuni National Park in the the Ecuadorian Amazon. This road will be a completely new artery into remote, roadless, primary Amazonian rainforest largely untouched by human activities. Despite promises made by the oil company, this road will undoubtedly trigger an irreversible wave of colonization and overhunting within one of the great wildlife safe havens on Earth. >>>more



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